00:00:01 Right, praise God. Are you just tired as I am? You look really tired. I'm doing all the work and you look tired. Kitty, let's have some energy though. We said the other night, you know, if you bear witness to something, I'm want to say eight men at just fuel for the fire. You can laugh, cry, whatever. So you already to laugh. This is going to be a fun night. Start with a really fun couple. You guys are fun. I've been just going to run you a little bit, but I, you bring joy and you bring brightness and brother, you've got to kind of a little crooked sense of humor like me and I like that. I, I can track with you. So that's a good thing. You know, get the word silicone, silicone couple and you guys are like, you know, you fill in gaps. 00:00:52 You, you're, you're just like, cocking that can just kinda you kinda ooze into where there's a gap and it just pulls everything together. You're not a pull things together. Hold things together. And, uh, you know, there's a beautiful phrase in scripture, we use this word is standing in the gap and that's you, you know, how to find the gaps spiritually in people's lives and you know how to put the right things in, you know, how to make up the difference, you know, how to, uh, a point them to the word of God and to principals that are lacking and we all have lack. We all have needs and you're just really good at, I guess kind of almost like a, a physician would make a diagnosis, you're going to need this, this and this. And so you guys have spiritual physicians right here. This church has a couple of spiritual physicians that know how to bring what's needed. 00:01:42 And sometimes it's not just even healing. Sometimes it's just, you know, you need to beef up this area, you need to strengthen this area and you're going to be continued to do that. And you do it in a very pastoral way. There's a pastoral way. But brother, you've got to, you've got a love for teaching and there's a teaching capacity that's going to continue to grow. And not just fluffy stuff and not weird stuff. There's a, there's definitely a stream of doctrine that flows through you and you want to continue to introduce people to. These are the fundamentals. It's like good old Vince Lombardi every now and then, you know, he took out a football and said, team, this is a football. It's like this is a Bible, this is the word of God. He just kind of bring people back because you know, we're in competition now. 00:02:24 Every one of us, every local church leaders in competition with the Internet and Internet preachers and teachers. And there's everything you could find out there. And someone said, if you brutalized scripture enough, you can make it. Say whatever you want it to say. We don't want to brutalize are scandalized the word of God. We want it to be pure doctrine. And so you're going to be keepers of doctrine and keepers of the truthful ways and help people stay on track. And, and there's, there's also the capacity to chase people down. You Chase people nicely. There's a violent way to chase after people, but there's also the nice way that you guys have chosen a nice way to the saints and uh, you have saved and rescued more than a few and I think you're very sensitive since I think you'd almost like you are like a, you have a capacity to scan a room and know who's missing. 00:03:11 It's like you can go go home for lunch ago. Well they weren't there and they weren't there and they weren't there, but we're someone saw while they were, you just kinda like, you know, you've got a tracker on people and it's good because that's a shepherding quality. It's like keeping track of the sheep. No, no. The flock among you. And there's this just this heart you have. And, and then sometimes you just say they need a phone call. Proud, proud elbow in the side, you know, they, they need a phone call and together you're a good team because you perceive and you sense and then brother, you, you have a capacity to uh, to go and find what's missing. And this is a good operation. But it's got to grow. And you guys are coming into a season of a replicating what you do and handing off some things that you think maybe we're the only ones that really can do it, but God says, surprise. 00:04:00 I'm going to bring some younger faces in and some other couples and you're just going to continue to give ministry away so that you can take on other ministry and your ministry and there's just this beautiful transition. A brother. You're not going to lose influence. You're always going to be a couple of influence. You're going to have a say so you're going to have wisdom. You're coming into a just a good place of stature, wisdom and counsel and this is what this house needs for the next move and there's going to be a lot of rearranging. Like we said earlier today. Some of the furniture is going to get rearranged, so to speak, and we're going to move some stones around and some bricks around. But God's going to do that for just greater productivity in the house and overall, as we heard over and over from the Lord in his heart. 00:04:45 He just wants to reach more people than people that are just needy. And you guys have treasure here. Yep. Good treasure. My brother. There's some, there's some doodling that you're going to be doing that looks like it's just Kinda hobbyish and kind of I do this in my spare time and kind of keeps me busy. But there's something in your doodling this going to actually produce something and I, I think it has to do with something online. I think you'd be putting something online. I don't know if it's just purely writing or it's going to be writing and something visual. Uh, I just don't. I don't see it clearly. I just sense I just see you. What seemed to be something you're dabbling in is going to turn it into something that's very efficient and it's very a distributable into people's lives and it's going to have a spiritual impact, but it's also gonna have a aesthetic draw. 00:05:40 People are gonna say, oh, that's nice. I like that and not see. I'm trying to remember, do you, do you do some art? Is that right? Yeah, I think I just, what I'm seeing as something that deals with art and visual, but also going to have an impact spiritually and um, you know, I just, just something to kind keep you busy when you get bored. Boredom's a spiritual condition anyway, so you know, you don't get bored, brother. You're, you're moving in thinking and this is just something that God's going to kind of pull something together and make it deliverable and something new and fresh and uh, this is how you're going to continue to reach people way outside of the sphere of the city because of the Internet. You're gonna be able to deliver even into other countries and it's just, you've got product in new brother, you've got it. 00:06:23 You've got a way to communicate through eyes and ears and God's going to continue to use you as a communicator. I see a couple of, it's a strong word. It seems like a strong word, but there's gonna be some spiritual kids you're going to adopt and that's sounds kind of almost permanent, but it's like, if that's the idea. And of course, that's a biblical concept that we love in Galatians and other places where that spirit of adoption is going to be on you for spiritual kits where you're really going to take some young, struggling new believers under your wings and meant to them and father them and mother them and coach them and raise them up to be strong sons and daughters in the house. And this will just be fun. Uh, this will be something that you're going to supply consistency where they have a lack of consistency and you're going to put into them some of the fundamentals and disciplines. 00:07:14 That's a good, nice word. Thank you. Richard Foster, uh, the discipline, spiritual disciplines that are going to cause them to be solid as a rock caused them to be fruitful and caused them to rise up in leadership. Brother. You've been studying some leaders and others. There's a leadership tweak that's going to go on here. It just comes. God's going to tweak it. Is that wrong or anything? It's just going to. Gus wants to tweak some of the leadership styles and leadership concepts, uh, and even kind of enhanced your definition of what it means to be a leader. And this ties in with a strong emphasis earlier in the day about serving. And there's just something was really strong earlier in the meetings where God was speaking about servant leadership and just an emphasis, I guess, that God just wants to emphasize that and you're going to be part of helping put language around that from your studying and just your, your research. 00:08:07 And that's going to be a joyful thing that the two of you can help shape future leaders. Um, we just, you just don't need to be all that much more busy. You're busy enough. But God says, I want you to focus and I want you to just fill in those gaps in people's lives. And your days of equipping are going to increase equipping saints. And, uh, an amazingly, they're still a little more equipping. God's going to give to you, brother. You're going to be thinking like millennials. Whoa. Don't don't dye your hair or anything, but you know and please don't wear skinny jeans, but now I really feel like, brother you, you've got a real connect coming with millennials and I prep side earlier about I just saw these 20 somethings coming in and brother, you're gonna. Be able to connect with them. They're going to relate to you or they're going to just, you're. 00:08:57 You're going to win them and they're going to win you and it's going to bring a real joy, a real lift. Even to both of you. I see you just happened. A bunch of young people over to your house and hanging out and they're just going to feel like we're just belong here and they're gonna. Get the nurturing and going to get the kind of the enjoyment of being around the saints and it's going to be just a real time of impartation and then then will come the moment. Anybody need prayer and boy, the hands are going to go flying up and they are going to have just like, we can't wait for the prayer time. It's really going to be a precious fellowship and prayer. That's all, but brother, you're, you're, you're a teaching machine you'd, you'd like to instruct as you go anyway. So teach them will come out organically sitting around talking about this and that, but the teachings will, will flow and discipleship. So these are gonna be good days. Fruitfulness for both of you and fruitfulness for this house. Amen. Good. 00:09:54 Amen. 00:10:04 Howdy. Hi. What's your name? Bernie Bennett. Mrs. Mine, Bernie and Sherry. Sherry. All right, have a seat. Here we go. 00:10:14 Bernie and Sherry. Praise the Lord. Thank you for this couple or family, Lord. The roots got good roots. Um, wow. Oaks of righteousness comes to my thinking right away that Isaiah use that term and said you should be called oaks of righteousness. The planting of the Lord. And something about oak trees that are longterm have great stability that take forever to grow. But man, they last a long time. There. Wood is amazing. And um, I just see the two of you like oaks, you're able to carry weight, your pr, your provision because of the resourcing that's coming through you. And uh, this is a time before fruitfulness for the two of you. There's a greater spiritual fruitfulness. This coming a where you have sown. You're going to reap where you have labored. God is going to bring increase and this is just going to be a good season. 00:11:16 There was a little bit of a dry season. You went through a. It seemed like there was a little bit of a drought and even a famine, but not in the natural. It was spiritual and Amos prophesied about it. The day would come, there'd be a famine of the hearing of the word of the Lord, but tonight is a fresh impartation and God is speaking to you freshly. Then he seen the famine's over. The word of the Lord has come and there's going to be a spring in your step and there's going to be a lifting of your voice and God's going to cause the two of you to enter into a new season of proclamation. God's given you both a good voice and God's gonna Penetrate into regions where the gospel is unknown or unheard. Where there is truly famine and you're going to bring the goods. 00:12:02 You're going to bring the bread where there's people starving, spiritually starving, and a brother. There's gonna be a, a rearranging of your schedule. A God says, get out a sharp pencil and a big fat eraser and God's going to do a little work on your schedule and he's gonna prod you and say, we're. Where am I in that? Or where am I in that? And God's going to weasel his way deeper into your schedule on a weekly basis so that he can lift you up so that he can do some things in you and mold and shape a greater deliverer. Because brother, you've got some people to reach. You've got some people to disciple, you've got some men to hang out with, and your iron is going to sharpen another man's iron and there's just a sharpening come into your brother and there's going to be a word in your mouth. 00:12:55 And there's going to be a, uh, carrying of leadership, uh, that is necessary and required. It's not optional anymore. You're just, you just don't have a choice. Got going to hammer you and push you and prod you. And he's going to just probably gang up with your wife and then it's all over. It's just not a fair fight when God gets on your wife's side and there's a good thing happening here. It's good brother. You've got leadership, you've got a call to bring the kingdom and get men involved in the kingdom and get brothers that you. You have a strong brotherhood in you. There's the word of fraternity comes, which is, you know, you like to fraternize with other guys and there's like a loyalty that runs deep and you with brothers. There's, there's guys that you're still hanging with, you still get in contact with from your youth and, and there's just this loyalty and you as a friend that's going to pay off with big dividends and it's also going to seep into other men. 00:13:52 And some you're going to just model and teach. They'll notice the real deal when you talk about being a covenant keeper, Keeping Covenant With Your wife and Keeping Covenant with your brother and Keeping Covenant with God. And the word covenant just comes strong over the two of you miss a powerful term that God gave us to understand his commitment to us and how we're to be in covenant with God and how he does amazing things for those that keep coming up with him. And uh, there's, like I said, loyalty and you have the word loyalty is symbolically used in scripture. Assault. In fact, David had a covenant of salt with God. The davidic covenant was actually, there was this idea of salt that was throughout the Old Testament. Then in the New Testament, Jesus even said, you are the salt of the earth and there's a saltiness rising and the two of you, you're going to get saltier and saltier. 00:14:50 And that deals with loyalty keeping covenant causing others to keep their promises, keep their covenant and bring a salty level of distribution in this area. Salt is not so many qualities and you know, it's a preservative and it's an antiseptic and it melts ice. Hallelujah. Which you have to use up here. But you know, there's just some things to think about. Salt dough. It has to come in contact with something. It can't just be their salt, doesn't do any good unless it comes in contact with something and you guys are going to have make contact, contact for covenant, keeping in contact to have effectiveness is salt and wow, the loyalty factor is going to grow where people are just covenant breakers. People are disloyal. Uh, there's just a weakness in that part of people's fabric so often that you guys are gonna come and strengthen that. It's going to seep down into your family. You have children. Yeah. Five. Alright. That's one hand anyway, but you know what, that's, that's covenant. 00:16:07 Hmm. 00:16:10 I just really feel like this is going to really get deep into the soul of your children and your family and brother. There's a, there's a beautiful kind of home pulpit you have. There's a beautiful way that God is going to continue to use you as dad. And here's the deal. You're, you're more than apparent brother. Your, your kids discipler don't, don't just paired them, disciple them and you're going to pour into them. The clock is ticking. And uh, there's just some necessary things to be put into your children. This is going to produce saltiness in them. You see it's going to produce loyalty in them and they won't flake out when they get older and they won't be swayed by the crowd and there will be a resolve in them to do what God is leading them to do. And this is all gonna pay off. 00:17:02 And so I just feel like this isn't important. I don't like huge timeframes, but let's just say it's an important season or maybe this is an important year of really. That's why I said God's gonna Challenge your schedule to carve out some things and it's gonna Affect your family in a good way. It's going to affect your walking the kingdom. It's not gonna affect anything when it comes to your job and all that. In fact, you're going to be amazed at how as you tweak your work schedule, you're going to get more done in less time. There's a productivity God is going to grace you with because when you seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, all the things are added and even even. 00:17:43 Hmm, 00:17:45 I'm not sure how this is going to come out, but I. I have the sense where a little bit of A. There's like a dream job you have, there's like a possible promotion and you're just kind of chewing on that and wondering. You're kind of praying, but you're almost not. Praying is kind of like if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen, but God I'd like it to happen, but if it doesn't happen, you're trying to set yourself up not to be disappointed, but it's going to happen and it's going to happen not to make you busier. It's going to happen so you became a man. You can have more influence with other men and people and there'll be a little bit of travel involved, but not a lot where it's going to cramp your style and cramp your family. This, there's going to be some good exposure and it's gonna Affect home in a good way. 00:18:29 It's going to affect you as a couple. It's going to be a good step and it's the Lord is doing it so that he can again equipped the two of you. Sister, you are super mom. You know, and you probably said, I don't know what I do with my Cape if I'm supermom. Where's my Cape? It's, it's inside of your sister. There's just such a, an ability and sometimes I know this about parenting. Sometimes you just need to hear from a total stranger through the Lord. You're a good mom and you are doing well because I know a lot of moms. I'm married to a mom and you know what? Sometimes they just kind of start beating themselves up when the kids do goofy things. It's just a failure and you know what? None of us are perfect, but here's the deal. You are doing well. 00:19:13 Your kids are going to do well and this spiritual emphasis in the spiritual boost tonight is going to begin to against seep into your children and I see your prayers for your kids are strong and they're. They're not necessarily long, but they're strong and sometimes you just fire up. We call it prayer flare. It's like it just send one up. God I got and you just kind of like emergency and you know God hears those. God hears your cries. He hears the desperation sometimes in in, in your inner man and God is so on your side. God wants you to know those kids are gonna. Do some great things for him and you're going to see the hand of the Lord do what you can't do as parents. It's just a funny thing. You know we have him for a season and we do what we all we can do and then God just says, I got this and he just takes over and they go through stuff. 00:20:08 Stuff that we can't prevent, stuff that we can't invent, but God has an amazing plan for you and your family and they're going to scatter. Some of them were going to scatter in their latter years and going into some other remote places because they're called to the nations. In one or two of them, they're going to have a real heart to go for God. And you can't stop that call. Um, you can only fuel it. And that's why God wants you to put salt into your children. Have salt in yourselves, is what Jesus said. Therefore, have salt in yourselves. Have that covenant mindset and that loyalty streak, and true to the word kind of a, you know, this is the way it's going to be because the Bible says so, and you're going to raise up some strong Bible kids. There'll be become Bible men and Bible women that love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. They'll love their neighbor and they will love the word of God. It will be their life. If words that Jesus said, he said, the words I speak are spirit and life. 00:21:14 Hm? Hm. Hm. Hm. 00:21:20 So much talent in your kids arts and by the arts I say, you know, creativity with music and art. And there's that dance and choreography and like almost broadway level capacity in one of your children. And, and there's, there's the, uh, like I said, the heart to go to the nations and adventurous, all these things keep fueling, fueling, and keep telling stories. And I just, I just really think you needed to hear that God says, I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm going to lead you in this hour and don't let the enemy get you too busy for God. Amen. It's going to be a good season for you and your family. 00:22:27 Hi. Alright, let's break the ice or skin kind of creepy in here. It's like, I don't know about these people out here. They're kind of everybody. All right. What's your name's Josh, Josh and Megan. Okay. Just got to get. Get the flow excited. Oh yeah. Good. Me Too. I have no idea what's going to happen. So come Lord, I do know that God has got big plans for the two of you. And I'm Josh. There's this is. There's going to be a fun ride the next number of months and there's going to be some restructuring. There's going to be some fresh insights coming from the word of God to you, others, even a couple of books you're going to actually get really interested in and read them all the way to the last chapter. Would that be cool? I've got about 50 books. I haven't even got past the first half. 00:23:27 You know, I'm not a very good finisher when it comes to books, but I, I get what I need I think, but there are some books, a good old fashioned books that you're going to get into and they're going to help equip you and uh, there's a, there's some things you're going to be doing. Not, not like an overly spiritual if we can say that, but very practical in the way of meeting with guys and hanging out and forming some little like intentional groups that actually study something, learned something, and then go have fun, eat pancakes or something, I don't know, but just going to hang out with some guys that you're going to do life with and you're going to get strength from and build a brotherhood and build comradery and a and learn how to do warfare together for your families, for your kids and for your marriages, and these are the fundamentals. 00:24:18 You just can't get away from this stuff. It could prophesied this over everybody that you know. These are the fundamentals that keep a healthy family together and you're a community guy and you're going to be doing some things. Do you have. Do you have any children? Have sons voice a daughter and a son? I really think you need a son. Let's pray a son in. What do you think? What do you think, Megan? Should we pray in a sun? Yeah, let's pray. One in father, we ask for a son. This guy needs a son, and so, uh, because you're going to be doing stuff with boys, you're just going to. There is something coming down the road that had ever done any coaching. Yeah. I to see coaching and community and little guys that are just going to say he's the best. He's our coach and it, they're just going to be little disciples. 00:25:08 You'll be amazed and you'll just do a quick little huddle and say a quick little prayer and won't be over spiritual, but you know what? They'll never forget it. I'll never forget their coach and you're going to have an impact and it's going to be. There's going to be some legacy even from a few that will just be so changed and touched by you. And I just want to commend you that, uh, there's, there's going to be a little sacrifice to get out in the community and make yourself available to community things, but in that God is going to be there and he's gonna. He's gonna. See you prosper. And um, I just think the two of you love the community. Um, there's also a little bit of country and the two of you, there's a, there's a love of the country in the countryside and the ruralness and this piece that comes with that and it's God's going to continue to bless you with having times of just refreshing that come and the peace in the valley and that kind of stuff. 00:26:05 There's going to be that, but there's also going to be the buisiness. There's gonna be times. Then you have to kind of get in the saddle and ride into town and say, okay, we're going to make an impact. We're going to do some things for people. There's a servant heart that you have sister that is just going to really impact people by serving, serving your community, serving, you know, uh, maybe even in some school functions. I just feel like God's gonna Open the door to a school where you may start out as a volunteer, but it won't. It'll turn into something much more than just, I just show up and kind of volunteer and help a little. There's going to be some things you'll organize and get behind and even cause projects that the church can partner with. There's so many things that you guys have so much talent and I just feel like God is just going to just give you a push tonight. These words are going to kind of get embedded in your thinking and your prayer life and you're gonna. Start praying through God. What does that going to look like? What's that going to mean? How do I do it? When do I do it? Those are good, good, good, good, good traction. Prayers. They'll help build traction for your movement forward. 00:27:09 Yeah. Yeah. 00:27:13 Well, God's going to do something in both of your extended family, sister and your family. God's God's moving, God's touching family members and to keep praying because you've been praying for some and God said, I'm. I'm still still here and I'm still gonna. Answer those prayers, but he's doing something in you through it and there's just this tenacity. You're not going to let go until God moves and that's good and he's going to. He's just given you a little confidence tonight, brother. There's some, there's some renovations going to take place in your family. There's a restoration where there's something kind of fractured and broken. God's going to heal it and god just wants you to know that he hears your prayers too for your family. Those little silent prayers and sometimes that meditating and just God says, I'm listening to all those things. God, God hears your prayers, brother. 00:28:02 You never put yourself up as a top prayer warrior in the kingdom, but God just needs a faithful man. I just need someone that will just faithfully pray and that you and God says, keep it up. Keep it up. Just keep your list fresh. Don't just don't get into the rote prayers, but earnestly. Pour your heart out and God says he's going to help you. Craft new prayers is an interesting regards, going to give you some wording and God's going to take you to some of the psalms and take you to some scriptures where you're just gonna. Incorporate the word of God into your prayer so that gets beefed up and juiced up with his word because God answers his word and you're going to start kind of holding God. Say God, your word says, what about it know was like God, you say, and you know God actually likes it. When we quote his words back to them and we say, God, you said there's power in that and you're going to see principles you're going to see and just promises come leaping out at you and grabbing hold of them and going, I got this one. I'm, I'm claiming this for my children, claiming this for my family and claiming these promises. And I'm. 00:29:15 Hmm. 00:29:17 So the, um, do you live in the country? Rural? 00:29:28 Everything's rural here. Can I just keep, I keep seeing the country and like a real country rural setting. And um, I just add, I don't know where he lived, but it got, keeps bringing back to it. I'm trying to figure out what he wants to say other than I think. I think there's a house that you're going to get in the country that's gonna have acreage. And it's going to have a place for kids and it's going to have a place for gatherings and brother. There's, I think there's an outdoorsy side to you. You like the outdoors and Sporting, sporting and the outdoors and this meeting with men is going to take place often in the country. Maybe just get together and do some hunting or just do some guy stuff and it's just going, this is all part of what God's going to do to bless you because that. 00:30:12 I just want us to just sense that God says, I am going to bless you, and that's when I was getting into your prayer life. They're a little bit. I really feel like there's some prayers you're afraid to pray. Not, not. I'm scared. It's like, Oh God, I don't. I don't know. That's kind of weird and it has to do with really provision and prosperity and God's not against it, but he's against people that do it goofy. You know? And God wants to bless you too, because when he blesses you, he blesses you so that you can be a blessing to others so that there'd be an abundance of space and resource to bless people and that he knows your heart. And that's why he's prodding you tonight. He's kind of proud and you saying it's okay to pray for a rural country setting a country home because God knows that you'll use it for his glory. 00:30:56 You won't go out there and hide and hibernate and just cut yourself off from society. You're going to open it up and say the kingdom is open for business. You all come, you know, and just bring them in and it's going to be a delight. Real Delight. This is one of the things to start to talk about seeing you dabbling in some school stuff. And there's also vicious. It's not just school like filling a secretarial role. There's something going to do directly with students, young students. And um, I just think God's given you a real heart for children and it's going to grow. I think you're eventually in and out of the. You'll be involved somewhat in the children's ministry here. The children's ministry here is gonna. Go through some metamorphosis and remodeling and it's going to be good because it's going to be one of the banner. 00:31:44 I don't know how to say it, one of the banner like products to use that word, but yeah, it's one of the things you're going to really sell to this community. The excellence of Children's ministry is going to draw some people that wouldn't necessarily go to church, but they'll go for their kids and when they get here, they'll get hooked and people really care about what happens to their children. And uh, you're going to just bowl them over with kindness and goodness and love and excellence. And these kids are going to go, we gotta go back, Mommy, we got to go back. We're going to go back to that church. And you know, it's just not in. We're not just having a playground. It's real ministry in love and care and with joy. And that's going to really just speaking that over the house. But in speaking that you're going to have your fingers in that sister because God's going to make this not only a house of excellence, but house where families really want to be here because they get healed and touched a minister to by the grace of God. Amen. Yay. Let's hear it for Scott. Scott. Hi Scott. How are you doing? I'm all right. 00:33:14 Come on up here. Sit right down here. There's room for one more. 00:33:21 What's your name? I'm David. Hi David. How are you? What's your name? Hannah. Those are Bible names. Did you know that one? Fortunately, Scott is not in the Bible, but kidding you named them, right? That's good names. So father, we thank you lord for this family. God, thank you Scott, and thank you for his kids and thank you for uh, or the, the, the love of life, brother. There's something about life that triggers such an appreciation for the giver of life. Um, and I get the word life, big letters over you. And then I hear life message at brother God is crafting a life message in you. It'll be your story that you get to tell over and over and over about the goodness of God in his amazing grace and things that he's done for you. Miracles. I want to say even miracles so that you can never get tired of bragging on the goodness of God, like the scripture that says, you know, if you're going to boast, boast in the Lord, right? 00:34:26 I'm paraphrasing that, but you know you could boast in God. You can boast in what God has done for you, preserved you, kept you going on in Scott. He's painting in an incredible landscape for you in the future, and these two are going to be riding high, riding high in the plan of the Lord because you've just really not only dedicated them to the Lord and given them to the Lord, but you're fostering, okay, faith in them. That's an important thing to begin to have others. Model for you how to believe God, what to believe God for how to pray, what God can do, what do you. What do you can't do? What he won't do? What do won't do because of his character? He will never lie, he will never make another God right. There's things that God will never do, but there's things that he absolutely will do because it's in the word. 00:35:16 It's a promise from him and there's just going to be a high trust of trusting in the Lord. I love that verse. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, trusting him and I see you at times, just even as you pray with these two, just kind of closing when you trust God and, uh, David's going to say yes sir. I trust him. Handle will say yes. I trust him. Even if you're not even sure if you trust them, you're going to say that's gotta be the right answer. So I'm going to say yes, I trust him, but as you vocalize that, you see. Do you trust God? Yes. Okay. You can trust him. Man. Builds, builds, builds deep within their soul. 00:35:56 Yeah. Hmm. Do you have anything to do with vehicles? Transportation. Avatar. Okay. That, that counts. Okay. That's what we call fishing. I was just thrown a line out there. It's like I've, I just see. Well, I see you're driving. I just wanted to see you behind the wheel and I just see, um, I see moving around and you and God are having a lot of conversation. It's almost like your car is your prayer closet where, um, you have some interesting, interesting dialogue with God in the car. And I just, I feel like not just wanted to say that to. It's like I'm hearing those conversations. I'm hearing an age right there and your car time with cod, it's going to be awesome because you're going to get out of the car and kind of almost forget what you talked about, but then you're going to see answers and you're going to see God move. 00:36:47 And whether the path of the righteous signs brighter and brighter, you've been through some dark paths. You've been through some, some wooded areas that were kind of hard to navigate, but God says, your path is my path. The path of the righteous. You're righteous man. That's what's good. And it's not because of anything you did or I did or anybody else's because of what he did makes your righteousness stand out. And that's going to be part of your life message. And again, the fundamentals of Christianity are going to just come back to you with great strength and identity in Christ. Things like that. This is who I am. This is who God says I am, and I see you've given yourself pep talks. You know, brother, you have to learn to preach to yourself and keep preaching to Scott. Give Scott a good little sermonette on the way to work. 00:37:36 Give Scott a good little sermon when you get in that car and let let, let the, let the word of God dwell richly in use so that you can actually coach yourself and talk yourself into promises and talk yourself into God's goodness and you've took a hammering by the enemy. There was a day the enemy just came and he said a big fat trap. And he said, I dare you, and you just. God just says out of the way God helped circumvent disaster and put you in a place where he says you are mine and you will always be mine and indestructible until God's done with you. And so this is a day to rejoice since the data say, I've got a life message and it's about what Christ is for me and what he can be for you and brother, there's going to God's going to unleash evangelism in you. 00:38:19 It's just going to unleash it. It's going to just turn you loose. And Sam turn you loose with the Gospel and brother. There's a boldness. I the early church prayed for it. I'm going to pray for it for you. Paul asked believers to pray for him that God would give him boldness, and we're going to pray for you tonight. That you will have boldness to proclaim you're not disqualified from being a proclaimer of the Gospel. You are highly qualified to proclaim the grace of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And so boom, God's going to open up a harvest field. Father, we pray for boldness for Scott. Let the boldness of Christ come into his heart. Let courage rise in his heart so that God, he can be fearless in the face of adversity and fearless in the face of lost people that he wouldn't see their fear or apprehension or their rejection or they're mocking that would just kind of just be pushed away by the spirit of God and he would say, I care about your future. 00:39:16 God's going to give you eyes to see men and women. Perishing is going to grip you and you can look at people differently and you're going to see the destruction that awaits them and something will rise in you. The spirit of God will come and you say, I need to tell you something. The Gospel will hit will be everybody everywhere all the time. You're not going to just run around and do that full time. It's going to be these moments where God says now and you'll know. You got to share in the joy the great joy that you are gonna experience and the friendships and new people are just going to be so overwhelming. Sometimes you'll say, God, I wish I'd had done this before. I could have done this a lot more, but God said it. I don't waste any time. I don't waste anything. 00:40:03 Now's the time. Now's the day of salvation. It's going to flow. This little evangelist is going to watch you. You're going to hear dad tell people about Jesus and hear about the Gospel and you're going to. I'm going to give that a try. I'm going to tell some of my friends. You know what? You're got a little advantage. Holistic opportunity right here. David Scobey. Good. Hannah, do you do anything with music? You're going to. Let's just get that out. You're going to be music. Cole and I, I'm. I'm using the big word musical because boy, it takes all kinds of shapes and sizes and instruments and it could be electronic. I don't know what, but music, music, music. God is going to put a song in your heart that God's going to put music in your brain and you're going to really have an affinity toward musical things. 00:40:46 I've just using large terms because I can't narrow it down because I don't think it's. It's. You're not going to be narrow and it is going to be very broad and you're going to be dabbling a lot in musical things and you're gonna find messages in music. You're going to find peace in music. You're going to find joy. You're going to find worship. Hm? Yeah. You're going to connect with God on a whole new level of worship through music and it's going to be a joy. The day will come and you'll be up on the stage or some other stage leading people in worship, singing under the Lord, and really enjoying his presence for the sake of others. Father, we bless this family. We thank you for the father's power them for mission. Empower them. Father, bring this life message forward and bring the boldness out so that they can proclaim the goodness of God. It meant. 00:41:38 Amen. God bless you. Yeah. 00:41:54 Got those phones fired up. Ready when you are. Okay. What are your names? Nathan? Nathan an Arab. Okay, thank you. Lauren. 00:42:09 How do you. 00:42:14 Amen. Father, thank you for Nathan and Barb and God, we just bless them tonight, brother. There's A. There's a sage wisdom you carry of experience in the Kingdom of God church. You've been to church, man. You love the church. You've certainly seen some of the crazy stuff. You've seen some crazy people, but you've seen some systems that got kinda worn out and needed renovation and you didn't know what to do and uh, but you knew one thing. You don't criticize the bride of Jesus Christ. You just knew that that was off limits. And so God has used you several times, which is, what's your name again? Nice. Ah, yeah, yeah. He's used you like, uh, Nathan to go and speak to leaders and you do it in a prophetic way and you do it in a loving way, but God just says, you know, those words have stuck and they've helped you. 00:43:15 You had no intention of criticizing anybody just saying, you know, we really need to do this at this. This would be good. And you have a very diplomatic way of bringing ideas to leaders and that's going to continue. You were named, right? You've got this prophetic nature that can speak into leaders and structures and help bring improvements. And I'm just such a quality about the two of you. There's something that speaks of high quality. You don't do anything, you know, second rate. There is no, you know, you're not three people, your five star people. There's just this high level of excellence and it's gonna. It's gonna continue to be contagious to other people and I believe that you don't have to thunder it and make a big splash about how excellent you are it. You live it and it's gonna. It's gonna. Continue to cry, cause excellence to come. Even in this house. There's just areas that God's going to continue to bring forth excellence for the community. And this place will be known is that. That's an excellent church there. There are great people there and there's such love. I mean that's when those doors swing open on a Sunday morning, loves going to go flowing out and people are going to know it in the parking lot. Yeah. Even in your parking lot, 00:44:32 how many know that's where the sermon actually starts. The sermon starts in the parking lot. That's where you start getting the message of this place by just getting on the property, meeting those first greeters, just watching people interact so it's just people are going to go this, this is nice. I feel good, and I all I did was parked my car. You know, but see that, that culture is going to be evident by what takes place from the moment they drive in until they finally get in, get in the building, get interacting. These are gonna be some things that you two are going to be a stewarding and sister. You've got some great excellence in ideas and you're, you're kind of a innovator. You're kind of witty. You're kind of creative. You could probably give you a bobby pin and a paper clip and you can make something out of it. I don't know. You just had this when, some little way to make little things and you're crafty and there's just an inventiveness in you that is going to spill over into something more than bobby pins and paperclips. I'll tell you, there's going to be some, some, uh, like, hmm. 00:45:39 Yeah, like renovating and decorating. And there's just some things you're very good at and God's going to use some of your talent and kind of bringing you, not that you've been hiding in the shadows, but as you've been shadowed a little bit and God says, I'm just pulling back a little bit more to expose you in. Both of you are going to get more exposure in this house and more exposure to to new people. And there's some new people coming and there's some new people. I want to just say this boldly. There's some new people you're going to bring. There's some people that really need to get in church. I believe everybody should be in church, but you know what I'm saying? There's some people that you know and you've actually been praying about how we're going to get to them, how we're going to introduce them to Christ and how this prayer project is going to get some feet on it and get some momentum and you're going to begin to bring some people to church and there won't be like, I don't know how they're going to do it. 00:46:29 Could be one of those crazy services. You know, it's not going to be fear, it's not going to be like, I don't know what's going to happen. It's going to be we're going to bring them because of the excellence there and they're going to get touched with the love of God, so these are days to keep that list right before the Lord. These are some people we want to see touched for God and there's one particular friend I don't know which, if it's a friend of both of you are, but there's. I just get the word, a friend that really needs some healing and I just have this bold idea that they're going to get healed because Jesus wants to heal them and show his power and his love and I don't even know where it's going to happen. I'd like to say they're just going to come to church, get healed. 00:47:10 It's going to be one of those razzmatazz great testimonies. It could be. I'm just saying there's a friend they need hailing and God says you're the ones to bring them to the healer. Father, we pray for this friend. I don't even know who this is, but God, there's somebody that you're saying, I want to heal them and you two are going to be the that they walk through for the healing or wants to do with some large scale answers in your lives. I feel like you've got. You're carrying one particular disappointment. You're just sat down with it tonight. You're still here. It's kind of like, well, this is all good, but we've got this one disappointment and the Lord says, I can take care of anything. God doesn't want you to walk around with disappointment. God wants you to walk around with knowing that he's in charge and that God answers prayers, not the way we would answer them as a human answers them as a holy God does and God will do all of his holy will in your lives and you can take that to the bank. 00:48:11 He will do all his holy will. He doesn't do the human will. He does his holy will and God wills some things yet to happen and he wants to lift this kind of nagging little sense of disappointment. He wants to lift that off. You tonight he went, I don't know what it is, and maybe you don't even know. Maybe you've got to get before the Lord and say, what is it that's deep down in there that I'm disappointed about and just give it to him. Give it to him. So where we stand with this couple, we stand with them, Lord, that they would just. And maybe there's others. I'm just take a minute here. I think this is just for more than them. Now that I'm just hearing this, I think some of your caring disappointment, 00:48:53 it comes in all shapes and sizes. We know that, but if that's you, just take a minute. Give it to the Lord. I've got some. I'll admit it. I need to give it to the Lord. Can you do that? Just bow your heads. It's by your hands and say, Lord, I'm disappointed about this. I'm disappointed about them. It might be an them, it might be an. It might be a circumstance. It might be a promise. I don't know what it is, but I'm just. It just came on me as we were praying for this couple, that there's disappointment in this room that God wants to lift off of. You 00:49:31 just lifted up to him. 00:49:34 I got take this disappointment. I don't want it. Only only the devil wants you to carry that around, so just get rid of it 00:49:44 and thank him. 00:49:46 Let's just thank them just inside say, Lord, thank you. Thank you. I give it to you Lord, and I thank you. Thank you for taking my disappointments. Thank you, Lord. Thank you Lord. The joy of the Lord. There you go. Somebody got joy. That's what we get. Now you get the joy that you didn't have. That's the disappointment was oppressing you. And so, uh, let's do this. You guys stand up. Let's stand up. Let's stand up and let's receive joy now. You gave the disappointed way. Let's. God wants to replace it with true joy. Yeah. Say thank you Lord. And just smile at God. Smile and say thank you Lord. He's a good, good father. 00:50:28 He's a good good father. That's who he is. 00:50:31 He's a good father. Thank you Lord. Thank you. Holy Spirit. What Role Bulb Capodanno above righteousness, peace and joy comes from the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. Thank you. Thank you, Lord. Pour it out. Don't rush. Don't rush. Come on particular where you're getting these little visitations during this, these gatherings, they're really cool because. Gotcha. Sweeping in St. just give me some space here. Give me room to work so we've got to give a little room tonight. Joy. Thank you Lauren for joy for this couple. Just an infusion of the joy of the Lord. Thank you lord for joy. Although we received joy. Thank you Lord. 00:51:25 Thank you Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 00:51:32 Now let's lift our voices. 00:51:34 Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Come on. Give him a clap and give him a lot. He's better than a basketball when. Come on. Yes. No. Or you win. Hallelujah. We thank you. Were full of joy tonight because of you. Hey men. Okay. You can be seated. 00:51:51 You can go. Amen. Praise God. Yeah, man. It's supposed to be fun in church. Hey, supposed to have joy. That's good. Hey Man. So tell me your names. Larry, Larry, and Ethel. Okay. Thank you Lord. Wow, 00:52:36 thank you lauren. Oh, 00:52:43 what a faithful foundational set of pillars. You guys are pillars. You're, you're, you're holding up massive weight in the spirit. You've carried the vision of this house. You've, you have fought, you fought, you guys are seasoned soldiers in the Army of God and uh, you know, you just can't retire in the kingdom. There's no retirement plan that you still carry some weight. You guys still carry the saints in your hearts. There's people that have long gone from this place. You're still praying for. Who does that? You do. You guys do that. You've helped build a legacy here you have helped others find their way to Christ. Brother, you have stood with men when others wouldn't stand anymore loyal and faithful. What you love to have people over and just hang out. 00:53:52 Hospitality still flows, doesn't flow, is often, but when it flows, it flows. It flows well of caring for the saints. And you loved the gatherings you love when the, when the saints are gathered together, your community people. And uh, this trickles down not only because of church life and what you experienced in the church, but this is, this is who you are as a family and God blesses your family. God's hand is on your family and they're still prayers that are being fired up for your family. And God says, keep them coming because I'm not done. I'm not out of answers. And there's A. 00:54:35 Yeah, those visitations coming. Is there a special event coming for the two of you? So like an anniversary or something coming. I don't know. I just feel like there's a special birthday or a special event coming that has family all over where I just feel like I don't know where your family is, but I just feel like there's a gathering coming soon to a theater near you. It's going to be just me a gathering and you're not, you're just gonna have to just soak it in. You don't even have to organize it. It's like, it's almost going to be organized for you, but there's going to be like an honoring. And I just feel like God wants to honor you to. He honors you in this house, but he's going to honor you and your family is going to honor you because of so much that you did behind the scenes. 00:55:17 There's so much you have done that nobody knows, but God and God just saying, I've got a huge book of your good deeds. I've got so much that you have done and you'll stand before the Lord and he will say, well done. Good and faithful servants and God will take out his book of life. I mean it was got a book, and boy, when your name is written in there, Hallelujah. When you get saved, your name goes into the book and you know what? All the goofy things we did get burned, gone. Aren't you glad about that? There won't be another book with all your failures. There's only one book, the book of life, the Lamb's book of life and and there will be, there'll be a record of your good works and all of our goofy things we did in the flesh and everything God just says, I threw that away. 00:56:08 He'll say, don't bring that up here. You will say, God, here's all the bad things I did. He go, what, what bad things? Or they're gone. They were nailed to the cross. All the accusations and all the handwriting of ordinances. Philippians says, oh, it's going to be a good day. You know, guys, I just want to say habits look at pretty good, isn't it? You know, it really is. It's looking good. You've got so much to be grateful for on this planet, but I want to tell you sometimes we just don't talk about having enough. We don't tell people that there's something common that's so amazing. It's hard to describe and it is a somewhat indescribable. But you know what? I just, I don't know. I have this funny giddiness about me over the two of you about eternity in heaven and how real it is. 00:57:00 And I just, uh, you know, for all of us, we all, we all to be all be doing a happy dance right now. It's like, yes, we're going to heaven. It's not morbid. It's not, you know, precious. I don't know why I'm saying these words, but precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. You know, we grieve as humans. Yeah, we, we, we suffer the loss. We have to grieve sometimes. It's tragic. I, we've all been through stuff like that, but you know what big picture God is looking down on mortality and says someday there'll be no more mortality will be immortal. He is so excited and I just, I wanted to speak some of those words over you about the excitement of immortality, the excitement of leaving this earthly prison. I mean, we're all prisoners of the earth, but Jesus is going to take us out or we're going to go to meet them in there. 00:57:55 What Howard happens and we have a glorious future now. I think somehow that's something God wants to kind of revitalizing the both of you and just say your dad. Talk about having talked about the goodness and you've got some friends that just need to hear. There's good things coming. There's good things coming. And, uh, I believe, I believe there's some people in your lives that are just struggling with life. They're struggling with aging, they're struggling with sickness and you know, you've got to give them hope and God's going to give you the message of hope in it may not eat. You know, sometimes you'll, it'll be, you know, face to face. But other times it might be facetime, it might be just a, a note or a text. But God says, spring forth, hope for others. I just feel like that's your message. I almost feel like it's, well God what's left for us to do? 00:58:46 And God says, give people hope, hope, make it not ashamed. For the love of God is shed abroad in your heart, by the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yeah. People need hope. And uh, you're going to be ambassadors of hope, sister. You'd just, you love your Bible. You just got it. Don't ever do Bible Trivia with the sister here. She's, she'll out. Do you every time. [inaudible] sister, you've got so many scriptures that just have been life to you. And God says, keep giving them away. Given those words out. There's people just need a word from God and just keep giving them. I think I feel like you probably do that some with your own family, but you know what, there's friends. You just need to say, I got this word for, you know we have, we have apps and everything on our phones now. They give you a word for the day, but when it comes from a human instead of a machine, yeah. Now that's like to the heart, so humanized scotch word, deliver it with love care and an Emoji or whatever you want to use, but just say this, I got this for you and that's gonna mean a lot to people in the days ahead. 00:59:56 There's a bunch of stuff was said in the last couple of meetings over some of the men, brother, and you're going to be right in the thick of that. You're. You are a key component to raising up men in this house. You're a key component that's going to help foster the next generation to rise up and take, take their place and you're going to be an inspiration to some young men to serve in the house of God and you're going to share some stories. Man, you got some stories. You got some hilarious stories. You got some scary stories. You've got some stories that people go, you're making that up, aren't you? It's got no. It's the truth. I'm telling you, this actually happened in a church one time and brother, you've got some church stories that are going to absolutely empower some young men that next generation, they need to know some of the goofy stuff we did 40 or 50 years ago. You did? Yeah, we used to do this and they want to know it's there for the taking brother. Then you're gonna encourage you just going to encourage men to get in there and serve God and there's going to be fruit for both of you. Just fruit. It is going to go on and on and on. When you were up there dancing around the throne, there's going to be fruit produced because of what you've sown in this earth. Amen. Amen. 01:01:19 Yeah. 01:01:32 Really? Hey, come on down. She had to fix her hair, brother. You don't have to do that. I know. Hi. What are your names? Mike and Kelly. Have a seat. Good to meet you. Okay. Hallelujah. Hey Man, God is good. Okay. Mike and Kelly. 01:02:12 Thank you Lord. 01:02:32 I'm not really sure. It does not show me how he. How he got you here, but he got you here. God got you here. It's an interesting story. If I hearing God right, God got you here. You didn't make some great spiritual decision. God just brought you here and you're going to be here for awhile because God has some plans for you as a couple. God had some plans for people that are not yet here that God's going to bring and he's going to do it through effort on your parts. It's going to do it by strategies from the leadership, and this is all part of what God's been saying all weekend. There's changes coming and God's brought you here. You guys are going to be part of the change process. God's going to use the two of you to speak into some situations into some systems. 01:03:22 The brother, you're a systems guy, you are sharp, you got sharp noodle up here that can see systems and almost like you know, you just got a sharpness like an architectural engineering type mind that seasoned columns and everything structurally fits in your brain and you don't like it when things don't fit and if this is out of order and this and that because you're just an order guy. Columns and orders and this and everything is just good sometimes and it's just frustrating. Other times, and that's the mix God has put in you that's going to begin to come out and gifting for working with people. There's people, structures we need. The church runs on. Number one, the spirit of God. There's a spirit, okay? In every church there's like, this is the spirit of our church, the spirit of God in the church. How did it manifest? 01:04:16 How it, how it's articulated in the worship and the preaching? All that, there's that, but there's also then the systems and the structures and brother got his St roll up your sleeves and I want you to start getting your hands into the systems and structures that make this whole machine run week by week by week and it's going to be fun. And the elders are all listening. [inaudible], Mike, Mike, yes. Put him down. Everybody got jotted down. Talk to Michael. Let's get Mike involved in this and it's just greater involvement for the two of you because you've got the system thing and you're going to help come up with ideas and plans and and then you're going to bring spirit. Life in. You are going to really bring a wave of the holy spirit into these dry systems. You know the systems are terrible without the spirit. 01:05:08 See, so you need them both and there's such a love of the Holy Spirit in you and there's just a growing affection and a growing admiration of things in a spiritual thinking. This taking place in you and you're just really tying your mind into the word of God deeper than ever before. And there's a hunger that's just stirred in you. I don't know what's gotten into you, but it's making you really hungry, and there's a desperation on one part, part of his desperation, the others fascination with the supernatural. And you know what? We're here. We're on planet earth tonight in Ohio, but you know what? We are seated in heavenly places at the same time you're sitting in these nice green chairs, but in the spirit you're seated with him and that's an astounding statement that only the Bible could make it actually make it true, but your position in Christ is going to get so clear that you're going to be fearless when it comes to praying for people and telling people about him, and there's just this going to be this combination of prayer and evangelism, prayer and evangelism, prayer and evangelism that's going to take place in you where you're going to be so led by the spirit. 01:06:19 That evangelism will just be kind of everyday occurrence of you sharing Christ with somebody. You've got such a whimsical way of making people feel comfortable. He'd just walk up and go, hi. They're like, hi. Back. I guess I just like that nobody wants to run away from. You might want to run away from Mike and they see him, the guy. It's kind of scary. It's got that beard and that big tall. No, I'm, but really people don't want to run away from. They'd want to know what's in you that makes you glow and smile. You seem happy. I'm not happy. Why is she happy that this is a little conversation with people sometimes have in a split second goal. She looks really happy when it wasted and you're going to tell them what makes you happy and going to tell them what gives you hope and joy and you know there's this going to be some very practical move of evangelism and you're going to be one of the leaders of the pack. 01:07:17 You won't do it all. You will lead it all. You're not a solo act, but you know what? You're going to inspire others to go and share Christ and I just feel like God's going to give this house a fresh strategy for outreach, fresh strategy for outreach. I really believe the next couple of months. While you guys were all trapped inside in the cold and the snow, gus going to give you some plans for the summer even. I just feel I just seen the summer is going to be strategic. This summer is going to be strategic for evangelism. God is going to give you some incredible opportunities to show up where people are already gathered. I don't know if it's in a park or ifs in the downtown or if there's some kind of an event. Whatever's going to happen and God says you're going to be there and it's just going to be this fluid, organic serving and sharing, serving and sharing and bathe it in prayer and God's going to just touch people. 01:08:10 They won't all just come here, but God's going to touch people that your goal, get out there and fish. Get out where the fish are and a man that's going to just. It's going to just get exciting sister. You're going to get people all stirred up. You're going to. You're going to set people free from the fear of sharing Christ. You really are because it's just. It is easy, but you know what? We all, you know, Christianity is rejection management. Once you become a Christian, you spend the rest of your life handling rejection because there's this constant negativity and rejection that comes from the world. I mean, Jesus had to walk through rejection, his whole earthly ministry, so you know what it's like, get used to it, but rejection management comes from those that have broken through the fear factor and have breakthroughs and you're a breakthrough lady. You're going to have others breakthrough and together you're really going to help shape. Okay? See it. You're going to help. 01:09:07 Hmm, 01:09:10 let me. Let me put it. The shape of this church is going to change. I'm not talking about the walls or the roof, it's just the shape. That's the only word I'm getting. Only way I can describe the shape of this local church is going to shift and change and you two are going to have a big part in that because the shape has to be large enough to contain what God wants to bring in Porin and I'm just so excited in the spirit for what's going to happen in the months ahead and I'm going to say it over and over because God just wants to get it in your hearts. Get ready for change and get ready for ideas this get. Get your whiteboard out and just throw ideas up. You can always erase them, but give opportunity for people to give ideas and where there's an evangelism event or whether it's let's change this system or whether it's, I don't know how we're going to minister to the children. What's our outreach look like? All these things are going to just start churning with life and wow. 01:10:13 I'm pretty excited because I'm just seeing things from the Lord that he wants to do. I almost feel like the Lord's up there and all weekend he's been doing this. Yes. Yes. He just been rubbing his hands like I, I, I've been waiting to tell them all these things that are going to be doing in life and with people and reaching the city and it's going to be dynamic. You have children. Yeah. Good. Get them involved. They just, they just, you know, from a young age, they're going to love the church and love people and love, you know, the reality of what I just said over this other couple of the reality of eternity should be shocking and from a young age, your kids are going to really have a heart for heaven. Um, you know, it's amazing. We've got some amazing like there's movies out now and there's things that will help us even teach. There's, there's incredible books out and I just feel like you guys are going to be so well equipped to raise your children with a heart for God and I am the kingdom and to be 01:11:17 just. 01:11:20 Well, let's put it this way. There'll be well inoculated against the things of the world, right? You can't keep it away. There was significant live in a cabin in the woods somewhere, but you know what, there'll be well inoculated from, from the poison that the world tries to put on there because you're going to do due diligence at home and it's going to be good. And uh, yeah. Wow. Parenting Ministry. 01:11:49 Hmm. 01:11:51 Gonna be a season where you guys are really gonna thrust into discipling parents and you're going to be right in there with them. We need this to guys. Hey, we really need to dig into scripture and dig into. There's such good curriculums available, not just just grabbed some dvds and have coffee and hang out, eat oreos and talk about how hard it is to be a parent. It's fairly easy, you know, saying, share your failure, sale your victories, pray for one another and then do it again. And God is just going to lift up some parents that are struggling in these early years. You know, when there's a little ones in your life, how do I do this? And he'll start calling some of the older saints. How'd you do it? And you'll call chuck and say, Oh, what do I do now? And we love it because ours are all gone. 01:12:35 It's wonderful. So we like being able to share our failures and the things that worked for us in the things that didn't work. And you know, there's so much wisdom in this room and in this house and there's such a great intergenerational group here. You've got the very young and the very old and it's, we're all in one big happy family so we can share these things and uh, but they need leaders. And you guys have leadership in you. And it's got. It's got to get out more even more. God says, well done. He brought you here for such a time as this. And you don't get to leave until he says so. And in the meantime, why don't you just take the city? Amen. Just say, we're here to take the city. That sounds really, really embellished and like braggadocious. But you know what? There's a truth in that, that we're here to take our portion and thank God for the other churches in the area. Thank God for the other pastors. And other believers and saints, but you know what, say God, give us our portion. Give us our piece of the city. We're here and it's here for the taking. Amen. Father bless this couple. Continue to bless them, Lord. With time and talent. God continued to use them as leaders and inspire them to be creative, inventive, and then bold for the cause of Christ. Amen. Great. 01:13:55 A few running out of gas. Everybody. Okay, good. All right. We're going to shift just a little bit and just wait on the Lord. Get some direction on just a whatever else he wants to do. Whatever else he wants to minister to a little bit. No a word in season, so we thank you lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Praise God who's here? And you're under 20 years old. Under 20. Get up here. If you're under 20. Come on, get up here. 01:14:53 Are you sure you're under 20? You look like you're 20 and check your Id. Just you can face me because those people are kind of scary. Don't look at them. Okay. Just face me. Okay. I prayed over youtube, but you can get up here with him. Okay. Stay up here. Stay up here. Yeah. Okay. What are you doing in church on Saturday night? Is the school God's really happy that you're here, but my parents made me come. That's why I'm here. Okay, I understand. I'm going to just pray for us. I kind of prayed for you. Why don't you just step back. David's step there and if I get anything, what? You three get up here and prayed for you yet. So what's your name? Aiden. That's a cool name. It's kind of Celtic, isn't it? Are you from Ireland? No. Okay. Just checking. How old are you? 01:15:41 All right, aiden. That's eight. Father, thank you for aiden or just thank you that your hand is upon him. Like my hand is like this. Aiden. God says his hand is on you. What that means is his presence will always be there. That means he will help guide you. Just like when your dad sometimes generally kinda guide you with his hand and pushes some times and that grabbed you when he doesn't want you to go somewhere and you know it's like dad's used their hands to help guide and God's hand is on you to guide you and you can call on him and you can say, God, I need you to guide me. What do I do? God loves to help us make decisions as humans because he's a spirit and he lives inside of us and so I just want to speak that over your and just always remember the hand of the Lord is on you and as you read your Bible and you can have mom and dad help you look up that phrase where the hand of the Lord came upon certain people in the Bible and they did great things and so God wants to do great things in you as you grow, but even now as a young man, God wants to do great things because his hand design you. 01:16:48 Amen. All right, and what's your name? Nadia. Do you know him? Do you? I thought so. Does he? Does he misbehave ever? Just kidding. I know you don't. You're kind of like an angel. I'll talk about layer 01:17:10 Nadia. I saw you up. You're worshiping. Wow, that's awesome. Don't stop doing that, but God's going to just do more and more and use you and God. God just really loves it. When you worship him and God's going to put I just seed music in you and a desire to worship and not only you know just the rudiments in front of us, but it's going to go beyond church. There's going to be a real ability to use your voice and to use music. You're gonna play an instrument. I think God's going to put some instruments in your hands that you're going to get proficient at and use and so arts and music is good, but there's also. You've got a really good brain. God's given you some good thinking capacity and as you continue to study and learn in school, that's just going to grow in God's going to give you favor at a young age. 01:18:01 Do you like hanging out with these older girls? They're pretty cool. You know, you're kind of like in the group, you're kind of like a head of yourself in age. Holy you tent. Yeah, but see, you're. You can hang with those 12 and 13 year olds. You just keep right up with them and there's leadership in you and there's going to be times that you're going to have a safe zone. You're gonna say, you know, we should do this or we should pray for this and God's gonna use you at a young age to be a leader amongst your peers. So get ready. Learn a lot, submit to authority, obey mom and dad. Those are all good Bible things, but you know what God says, I have plans for you to lead, to worship, to be musical, and to be expressive. I think you're not going to be limited to just even playing an instrument. You're, you're, you're, you're going to play your whole body, your feet and everything. You're just going to be full of life to share with other people and bless them. Amen. Yeah, go for it. What's your name? Verdi with a v that is so cool. Turn and face me. These people are kind of scary. They scare me. 01:19:04 Kidding. It's a hold of you 13. Oh, you're kind of the leader of the pack here, aren't you? You know, I just, I, I just have this sense where, 01:19:20 what am seen as a jigsaw puzzle parity and you're desperate to see the whole puzzle finished and it's Kinda like you have a lot of inquiry inside, but God says it's one piece at a time. God says one piece at a time and that's really to me, it represents your life, that God is putting piece after piece in place and what's going to happen is you're going to get a clearer sense of the vision of the finished product as you grow. But let me just tell you what God has shown me that it has to do with its beautiful scenery. I just see the edges kind of and there's great scenery and there are people that he's going to put into your life that are part of like God who and when and how all these questions. God has all the pieces and you can trust him to put them in at the right place. 01:20:12 At the right time, and there's going to be a real joy that you're going to have admissions. I think that you're going to be on the mission field several times before you graduate from high school. You're going to take some trips with other people, some adults, and you won't be. You're just going to hang right with the adults and keep up and frankly you're going to outwork them and praise them and they're going to go, wow, look at verity while she was up early this morning and you're just going to get in there because you have a real attraction to other nations and nationalities and there's one or two ethnic groups that are going to get into your heart. So much so that you're going to want to learn how to speak their language and you're going to just study them and you're going to go and be there with them and what's going to be amazing is the contrast and your skin color and your hair is going to be such a contrast to where God's going to send you. 01:21:07 That you'll stand out and God wants you to stand out. They're going to come up and go, your hair is so cool. Hearts is so dark. You know, they're just going to be infatuated with your a different product of human and it's going to cause a bond is going to cost friendship and it's going to get into your heart and you're going to see God do mighty things, and so you can start praying. Now you don't have to come up with it. You can prepare your heart now and say, God, give me a heart to go. God, give me a heart, enlarge my heart for the nations, and you do all the preparation of prayer in your heart and then when that day comes, you'll know and your your parents will know. It's like, that's a trip for you. You need to go on that trip and boom, God's going to make it happen. Amen. That would be so exciting. You'll do very well. Amen. Great. I just loved doing that. Just seeing what God has for young people. That's good. Amen. I was just wanting for a minute here, I just about. Got Everybody. How about at the sound booth? Cleveland browns. What's your name? Is Your Name Jack? I met you at. Come on up Jack. 01:22:28 They don't actually tie those guys in their chairs. They actually allowed to move around. Come on up. Jacket. Let's just pray for Jack and Jack's wife. Of course 01:22:50 we'll even let you. You're going to have a seat. What does high Atlanta, nice to meet you, Jack. Have a seat. It's just. Bless this couple. Father, we thank you for servants, brother. Just thank you for serving this weekend, but you guys are also, um, not only like pillars in the house, but you're, you're, you're girding other people up with your prayers and with your hospitality and with your, just your friendship. I just sense God says over the two of you friends and man, all in capital, letters to. I mean you are the real deal when it comes to friendship. Now there's people that you continue to walk with that, uh, you used to go to church with that you used to do other things with, but you know what you refuse to give up on them and that is speaking loud into their lives. 01:23:40 And, you know, that speaks a lot about Christ. Um, you know, Christians were kind of Goofy, you know, if someone leaves the church, we kind of just get goofy about a relationship with them and forget we're going to spend eternity with those people. You know, there are brother there, our sister, I can't get rid of them. And you know, there's just something about you that speaks of that. This has come several times tonight over, you know, a number of couples have the loyalty and the friendship and the, the stickability that you guys have when it comes to people. And that speaks volumes about the church. Uh, and so you're going to continue to have that sense of loyalty to other people, checking up on people. And uh, you know, there's no reason why you guys can't be a large contributor to this next generation rising up. 01:24:30 There's a lot of contribution, sister. You've got a lot to contribute, um, in, in, in wisdom. And even, I don't know, you're kind of a resource lady. You kinda know how to point people to resources. I think, you know. Yeah, sister, you, you're dangerous on the Internet, you have found gold, you have found resources, you love resources and you know, that's. People are just really going to be benefiting from your ability to research and find things that they don't have the time to do and it's just going to be a, uh, just a, a relief to them almost. And um, these little things are big in God's eyes, brother. I know because my kids and all that, they've all worked and the sound and done other things, they seem like almost like forget that there's people actually making this all happened, but those, those things are very significant to God. And you know what, we just need to sometimes give honor to people that are working behind the scenes, you know, and God says, well done. You've given. There's a, I just have this final sense. The last thing I just feeling from the Lord about 01:25:40 there's, there's some financial reserves that God has stocked up for you. I don't know if you have worries about that. I think everybody has always sometimes a concern about money. It's a very thing close to humans. That's why we, we wrestled with it sometimes because it's, it's got power and it can get things, you know, but can God and with sometimes we try to use money in place of God, et. So I'm just saying that you have been faithful and God has some kind of financial reserve that you need to understand is God's plan. You're not going to run out of money. You're not going to end up in the poor house and you're not gonna. You know. It's just like, I don't know if you've even thought like fear. Maybe you're just doing great and you got a miniature Fort Knox, I don't know, but God wants to just tell you that he's got a reserve for you and in you can, you can still give. 01:26:35 I guess I'm saying that because I feel like God's gonna Nudge you to give to some things outside of just your regular tithing and there's, there's, I feel like there's a conservative heart that you have, which is good. We all need to be good stewards, but there's this generosity button that got pushes every now and then. Then he pushed it a couple times this weekend already, he's going to make this house known as a place of being generous to the community and I really feel you're going to get in on it. That's all I said. All that to just kind of coach you into the sense of God is generous and you're going to have you know you can't out give God, and that is true. It's not a cliche. When you give, God gives back give and it shall be given unto you. Good measure. Press down, shaken together, running over will others give to you, so there's a reserve that it's gonna be opened up as you give. Sometimes we say, God, when you give it, then I'll give. And God says, no, you go first. I just don't like him when he does that, but that's God. No, no. You go first, okay, and you saw and then you reap and it's going to be plenty. Amen. What a blessing. Let's give them a hand for serving. They're just a good couple. Thank you Lord. 01:27:46 Amen. Who is not got prayed for? I mean, I'm just looking around going who has not received prayer this week? Well, come on up here. It'd be a terrible thing for you to leave and. Oh yeah, you have what? We'll just go one at a time. Well, no, come on up here. If you haven't, you haven't received a prophecy and you're here. Let me just. Let me just say if you're part of this church, because I'm just gonna limit to the church. If you're part of the. If this is your home church and you've been in your here and you've got these two and my gosh, we haven't gotten any cats or dogs had everybody. You got a boomerang prophecy. That was pretty cool, but we'll pray for you. 01:28:39 My daughter, her son. 01:28:42 Oh, that's cool. You're kind of connected, but I'm just going to give it one at a time. Who's mom? Oh my goodness. You're amazing. Wow, that's great. Well, we're just going to go this way then. This way so far. Tell me your first name again. Cecilia father, thank you for our sister. Thank you minister to her today through her family and I just know being a parent, when you hear words spoken over your own family, it just lifts you and um, and yet there's things that God is going to continue to, to grow in you. You're going to have a shaping hand on your grandchildren that's going to help shape them. They're going to rely on wisdom from you. They're going to rely on just having that vote of confidence. Um, and I see you doing some old fashioned things like sending a card. Wow. 01:29:36 With a stamp on it, a fifty five cent stamp. I'll have, you know, two is going up, but anyway, you're going to actually send notes and cards. Good old fashioned communication that is really gonna touch, particularly your grandchildren, but it's not going to be limited to that because I just feel like you're going to just get in on this younger generation here and encourage. You've got the gift of encouraging. You're an encourager and A. There's a positive side. The Sky's blue. The glass is half empty or half full and you've just got this positive look at things and that's going to continue to lift people up and you're going to actually see people and you're going to perceive right away they're struggling and you don't have to get all the information, but you're just going to just get close to them on any given Sunday and just go how you doing so and then suddenly it's just gonna open up because see, you're encouraging gift is going to draw their discouragement up to the surface so you can minister to them and you won't be nosy and you won't be kind of a nagging people and you won't be trying to pry into their lives. 01:30:39 You won't need to do that because the spirit of God in you is going to come and begin to comfort them just by you coming up and showing genuine love how you doing and you know it's not like, hey, how you doing? It's going to be and how are you doing? Those little emphasis that come naturally to you is kind of just touched her. Go, she really cares. I'm actually going to tell her how I'm doing. I'm not doing too good today, and suddenly there's the prayer and it's just going to be a joyful ministry of life, giving hope. Amen. Amen. And what is your first name? Surely. Surely, surely. Goodness and mercy. Wow, you got it all. We just so honor you. Thank you for just loving the Lord that you're loving God endlessly. Just steadfastly. Um, prayer chambers, not prayer closet. It's a chamber where you worship. 01:31:37 It's a place you take everywhere. It's where you meet with God. It's that secret place that you've had for years. Nobody knows how to get in, but you, it's just you and God in the secret place. And in that secret place, God has done things you'll never know too to get to heaven. Um, but there are things that you will know. There are things you've already observed, but there's God is going to pour out okay upon your generations because of your prayers and your faithfulness. And there's missionaries you pray for. Oh my goodness. You pray for people that can't even speak English, but you pray for them and you've, you've given, you've given the widow's Mite, you've given secretly. You've prayed secretly, and this thing about secrets is so precious to God. He really, really likes your secret place. He really does show up there and you know you've got some prophetic words to give even at your stage and age. 01:32:44 There's some things you need to say to some people to encourage them and don't be. Don't be shy about it. I don't think you're much of a shy person anyway, but I, I really feel like you know what God just says. I want to just kind of uncork you a couple more times with some real good prophetic insight to what God has shown you in the secret place and there's even some things for the leaders of this House that you're going to be interceding for. They're going to come out with some vision and I just feel like surely you're going to have a, a part to play in fueling the coming changes of vision with prayer. Just encouraging and prayer and just fighting a little bit of warfare for the leaders. You've got a particular call to pray for leaders and that means a lot to the leaders and it means a lot to God because these guys get the frontal attack because this church is going to surge forward and the devil doesn't like it, but the devil doesn't like surely either because you know how to deal with him. 01:33:44 It's like, get outta here. I'm gonna. Pull my sword out. Surely sword is common. Here it comes again. And they know when you pull your sword out, you mean business. So this church needs you. They need, they need you on the wall to a kind of just drive back the enemy in this day of moving forward so your, your jobs are not done yet. I salute you as a real warrior right there. God bless you. Yeah, they met. Go ahead and have a seat. Come on up. And what are your name's John, John and Vivian. This is home church. All. Alright, good place. Good place to be. Thank you for John and Vivian. Lord, we just bless them tonight. Father, we thank you for them in their heart for seeing healing. Come boy, you guys have a real passion for healing. They have a real passion for the supernatural. 01:34:35 There are some things you're going to be attending and reading and getting input. Maybe it's A. I don't know if it's a DVD series, but I just feel like there's like a class coming. You guys are going to get involved in this. Gonna up your faith to see people healed, praying for the sick. I'm talking about praying for the sick and praying for people to be literally delivered okay from darkness and this is a big assignment, but it's like God saying, you're ready. You're more than ready. God. Just going to say, I'm going to equip you fast track, fast track equipping to really be intentional about praying for people that are sick and praying for people to be set free from oppression and demonic influence. It is real. It's out there. It's more rampant than we even want to believe, but God says I'm going to deal with it through the saints. 01:35:24 He's going to deal with it. He told us too, as part of the great commission, go and make disciples. As you go. Speak in new tongues, cast out devils. You know all those things are in there from Jesus, and he was serious when he said it, man, you guys are going to just take the double apart. Set some people free. See people healed. God is really putting this in front of you tonight. It's probably the last thing you thought he was going to say to you tonight, but it's right on the front of his heart. If you just go back through the gospels briefly and see how many times Jesus healed. It was like chapter after chapter. After chapter. He healed, he healed, and so God will never changed from being a healer and therefore we can't change it. Either. God Say, God, we partner with you to heal and he's going to do it. 01:36:17 Amen. Amen. That's a little word in season. Boom. I'm. What's your name? Tom. Father, thank you for Tom. We encourage this man and his, uh, his steadfastness of rather, you're an accurate man. I don't know if you work with a counselor with numbers or anything, but there's an accuracy that resides inside of you and, uh, I think you've learned a number of things about numbers. You've learned a number of things about, uh, uh, how important it is to, to keep records and these types of things are in you. And, and God just says, I've made you a steward. Um, there's a couple of interesting parables about stewards and, uh, one one was an unjust steward, you know, but there was a lesson in that and a stewarding other men's, uh, resources and things. I think there's, there's this capacity you have had and you've been faithful. 01:37:14 And I just felt like God saying, well done. You have stewarded other people's resources and uh, God looks down and smiles and says, that's my, that's my, that's my boy. He's, he's been faithful. And you know, there's, there's always temptations in this earth. And you've had your share like we all have. Nobody in this room can say, well, I've never been tempted. Yes you have. It's common to, man. The Bible says so, but brother, you have, you have fought through and you've really relied on the lord and his promise when he says that he makes a way to escape, and so I just feel like God's just given you a little attaboy, well done. You. You broke through when there was temptation and you came out clean before God in your heart, and God says, that's rewardable. There's rewards yet coming for you because you've served God with truth, with integrity. 01:38:09 Um, and God is deeply interested in your prayer list. He's right there. You know, every, every one of us needed to just hear that God is with us. When we're praying, even when we're praying amiss, you know the Holy Spirit will get us back. You know, God is so good at correcting me right in the middle of a prayer right now. You'll make a course adjustment right when I'm going off to pray kind of selfishly, or as James says, you know, for my own selfishness and the Holy Spirit's getting. Here's, here's what it is. Clem is getting more used to that voice that says that's, that's kind of selfish. And I just feel like we all need to hear that and you, brother, that God is with us in our prayer life to help us craft our way into the kingdom for his glory and his purpose. So let's give God praise for that. Amen. Amen. Walla.