00:00:00 Hey Man. Hey Man. Well, welcome everyone. We have had just a power packed weekend. Dr Clem Ferris has been with us all weekend. We had meetings Friday and uh, three different sessions yesterday and uh, uh, clem comes to us from Chapel Hill, North Carolina is part of Grace Church. There he is a governing elder of the church there. And so he's a man who has authority because he's under authority and he comes under the authority of the local church here and it has been an absolute delight to be with Clem and he has literally a worldwide ministry. You've been in ministry for 36 years and ministered everywhere from India and South Africa, Naipaul and Cuba and Wales and England. And uh, and yet 00:00:54 he's a wonderful humble man. 00:00:57 And so Dr Glenn would you come and we're so excited to have you. You've been such a blessing to us. Let's give him a warm 00:01:03 welcome. Good morning. How's everybody? 00:01:14 I love this pulpit. It's just collapsed. I mean, it's just amazing. Amazing. So, uh, yeah, it's good to be here and we've had a good weekend and thanks for the snow. I'm leaving tomorrow, but I'll be up in Indiana, northern Indiana next weekend and then I'm in Montana and then I'll be in on other northern Minnesota. What is wrong with me? Why don't I go to. I don't like minister in the south in the winter. I've done that before. Anyway. It's good to be here. If we have a great weekend. Got Great potential coming here. These are exciting days and now's the bad news. 00:01:53 Whenever God speaks, whenever there's a prophetic utterance, there's warfare. It comes with it. It's a two for one deal and we didn't tell you that going into the weekends. So you want to show up, but now that it's too late. So now we get to figure out what to do. So we're going to talk this morning about how to steward a prophetic word, prophetic fulfillment, if you will, or if you're a millennial, but say now what? They tend to ship short everything down to like a text or something. So now what? What do we do now? So turn in your bibles with me to revelation chapter one. We're gonna. Go over some principles and talk about this war of words because what we're entering really is a war of words, God's word against the enemy, God's word against your word, and God has to win and he'll do what he has to do, but we have to do our part. 00:02:49 Now we have to steward what God has given to us. So in revelation chapter one, there's a principle of stewarding and keeping the word of the Lord written this way. In the prologue, one, three John said, blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it for the time is near. That's how he opened up this amazing book called revelation of Jesus Christ. And then he ends this book with the same thought. Now what's in red letters, chapter 22. If you want to go there or go to your index and go back one page, revelation 22, verse seven. Now in the epilogue, he writes the same thing. It's in red letters quoting Jesus. Blessed is the one who now just keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. Keeping the words of prophecy is the emphasis here. 00:03:41 What does it mean to keep a word from God? The word keep in the Greek language is the word to rental to rental means to watch over something so it's not lost or stolen. That's one concept of this, where to watch over it. You know you have now have a visual capacity to watch over what God has said to you. Your watch over it. You keep it before you. It also means to ward off an enemy, to ward off an enemy. If you're watching over something so it won't be lost or stolen. That means somebody wants to steal it. Somebody wants to take away all that potential and it's the enemy. It also means to. Rental also means to bring something to completion, to bring it to action. The word of God is designed for action, not just to be listened to the Hebrew word. 00:04:33 The bar is used over 5,000 times in the Old Testament, translated the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord came and the word of the Lord came, so the word debarr actually means to push from behind action. It's a word of action. It was also translated several times. Action the bar. So God is a god of action. How many know God is a god of action? I mean, two thirds of God's name is goal. You'll get it. Soon we got to go. When God says, this is what I want you to do, we have to then perform an act upon God's word. So this whole idea of warfare comes to us at a parable that Jesus gave. A very famous one called the parable of the sower could turn to matthew chapter 13. We're gonna. Look at verse 19. Jesus said here, then the parable of the sower. 00:05:19 It's a foundation. Parable for the Kingdom of God is the first of Eight parables that he gave about the kingdom. It's foundational because it's all about sowing the word of God into the human hearts. That's what's been happening all weekend. God has been sowing his word into the hearts of humans. That's the destination of God's word. God's always wanted to put his word in our hearts. We call it incarnation. You wanted the word became flesh and he has always wanted to write his laws upon the hearts of man, and that's what's been happening all week. Sowing the word, but watch the warning that comes in the sewing of the word into the human hearts. Jesus is he says, when anyone 00:05:58 hears the word of the Kingdom and understands it not as a key phrase, we'll look at then comes the wicked one and snatches away that which is sown in his heart. That's a stern warning. That's a call to warfare because the words that Jesus used when he said, when anyone hears the word of the kingdom, now what we brought was the word of the kingdom because it didn't come from planet earth. When God speaks, he speaks from another dimension. He speaks from the eternal kingdom that he rules over and God sends his words from the Kingdom of God, from his throne. He sends him into the human sector, a sends them from another dimension, and they come in and they collide into the human. When anyone hears the word of the Kingdom and understands it not. That's a key phrase. Here's the good news, has nothing to do with intelligence, has nothing to do with your mental capacity. 00:06:49 When he says you, you understand it. Now there's a Greek word pseudonymized the word for understand when you don't to my then comes the wicked one to snatch it away. So the word pseudonymized, interesting word. Let me give you a picture to help describe this word tsunami. That means to happen upon, but it would be like two people on the opposite sides of this room walking to the middle and meeting happening upon each other. That would be pseudonymized where two things come from opposite directions and meet at sooner. My be like two rivers that are flowing toward each other and where those two rivers meet, that meeting place where two things come from different directors and meet. That would be sooner. My. So what Jesus is telling the disciples, when anyone hears the word of the kingdom that comes from another source, doesn't come out of the human, comes out of the kingdom and comes to the human race and comes into a human. That meeting place when the word meets upon you, the word of the kingdom comes to you and there's gotta be it's gotTa meet. There's got to be an apprehension, uh, uh, comprehension that it's coming to me and I'm receiving it. 00:07:55 You don't understand it yet. That's the good news. That's not mental comprehension. Like I knew. I exactly know what God's saying. I want to tell you something. Over half of those prophetic words, you have no idea what they mean. 00:08:07 You don't right now you will, and it might take years, but you've got to say, God, I receive it. I'm going to let the word happened upon me. Go take it in and let it be sewn into my heart. If you don't do that, if you don't say I'm receiving it, I don't understand yet, but I'm taking it in. He says, then comes the wicked one. If you don't do that, Jesus said, then comes the wicked one, and he snatches away that which is sown in the heart. The word snatch away is a very powerful, forceful, uh, that's a military word. It means to literally see something by force in warfare. It's a word of warfare Jesus used. He said, there will be warfare if you don't grab hold of that word and steward it and put it into action and begin to believe God and trust God and pray through it and keep it before eyes. Then comes the wicked one. The snatch away 00:09:01 sees it by force. What gives him the right to do that? The audacity of the devil sometimes isn't that crazy. He thinks he gets to do things. Where do you get that idea? Anyway, he got it from Jesus. He got it from us. You see that instruction to seize by forces of powerful Greek word, hard puzzle even. Sounds cool. When you say it, say Harper. Harper. Puzzle. It's just cool. Just say it to somebody. Sometimes they have puzzle Mughal oh, her puzzle. You. If you don't see anyway to heart pod. So if you go back just a couple of chapters in and matthew, you know this verse, Jesus said, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent ones say her paddle one more time. Oh, it sounds so good. And the violent ones, hard puzzle. The kingdom. That's our job. That's our job description window. The heartpod zooming around here. Thank you very much. I'm a hard particular not you devil. Who Do you think you are? So he's always a thief. So he says he's a thief. He steals concepts, ideas, actions that belonged to us. We're supposed to seize the Kingdom of God by force. How do we do that? One word at a time 00:10:17 by her words. This is a war of words. So Paul gave instruction to Timothy in First Timothy Chapter one. If you turn there, verse 18, he gives instructions about this warfare. He uses actually that word. So he said to Timothy, is, he's teaching them about prophecy. What to do with the prophecies that Timothy received in chapter one, verse 18 and 19 says, this, charge. I'm interesting to you. My son Timothy, in accordance with the prophecies that went before Andyou, that by them you can wage a good warfare. Isn't that interesting? This is Paul's training timothy. What to do with his prophecy. He's warning them. He's telling him. He starts out with a very interesting word. He says, this charge. I'm committing to you, Timothy, this charge paragon. Leon is the Greek word for charge. It's a military word. This things laced with military concepts. It's a military word which means a command given from a superior ranking officer to an inferior ranking officer. That's how Paul was treating Timothy's prophecy. He says, Timothy, this charge, I'm giving you according to your prostate. This is not me. I'm not pulling rank as Paul the Apostle. I'm telling you about this prophecy you got. 00:11:31 It's like a command given by a superior ranking officer who who served in military. I know chuck was in the military. Anybody else served in the military helped me out. I wasn't in the military, but I've been in the army of the Lord a long time, but in the natural military, the way I understand it, what are the options? When a superior ranking officer gives a command to an inferior ranking officer, what are. What are some of the options? Help us out here. Those of us that were in the military, what's some of the options? Yes sir. I got to be more. Isn't there? There isn't. I've been in the jail. See, I've been in the army of the Lord. We have options. We created spiritual options. Of course you can say, yes, Lord. That's not so good one, but you can always say no. 00:12:12 Let me pray about it. That's a good one. That gets you out of a lot of stuff. Can you do this and let me pray about it. I'll get back to you. That's a good one. That's slippery. You can slide right out of anything with. Let me pray about it. Or here's another one that we use in the army of the Lord. I just don't bear witness to that. I got this word from God. Nothing. Nothing resonated and I didn't bear any witness with it. How many parents in the room today, any parents at some of you? How many know some parents? That's how many. Never raise your hand in church. That's what I thought. Okay. So anyway, parents, how's that work at home? Junior. What? I'm going to work today, son, I want you to mow the lawn while I'm at work today. Okay? 00:13:02 Dad leaves comes home loans. Not Mode son. What? I asked you to mow the lawn, you know, dad, I went up to him to him, started praying and I did a Bible study on mowing the lawn and I just started studying it and I was just praying and you know, I just never, nothing. It just wasn't there. I just didn't have a witness about than the lawn today they have. And so I'm inviting some friends over tomorrow. We're going to do a deeper Bible study on grass and animals that eat grass and I'm just feeling led. How's that work? Mom and dad. Not Good, right? 00:13:42 Doesn't work in parenting. Doesn't work in God's family either because Paul saying this command, I give you, Timothy, according to the prophecies that went before on your. That by them you can wage good warfare. The word warfare or war warfare is a Greek restaurant Ayia, where we get the word stratosphere. This isn't taking place down here on the carpet. This is taking place in the heavenlies. There's a war going on and it's a war of words that you buy them can wage good warfare. Now how do you do that? Then he gives the two tips. In the next verse, Verse Nineteen, he says, holding faith, holding faith, and a good conscience. This is a little complicated, but bear with me. This is really important because this describes how you wage warfare and what you do with your words. First of all, you got to hold it in faith. 00:14:32 How do you do that? You hold onto it. See in the heart, see the heart is the organ of your faith. How did you get saved? You believed in your heart. Confess with your mouth. Your mouth is is also an organ of faith to your confession. See, they work together. Heart and mouth worked together. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks so you hold it in faith. You've got to hold onto that. Hold it. There's an action to holding that. This is actually a word which means to hold onto something. How do you do that? You keep it before your eyes, like you said, keep it before your eyes to rattle. You keep the word what before you so you can hold onto it. Hold onto the concepts. That's the next word. Holding faith and a good conscience. The conscience is part of our spirit, man. We're tripartite being, bear, Spirit, soul and body. Our soul has three major components, mind will and emotion, but see, our spirit also has major components that function from your spirit and one is fellowship, the fellowship function of your spirit where you can fellowship in the spirit. You can fellowship with God. You can fellowship with other believers that you'd never met before you meet them. You have instant fellowship. We had instant fellowship Thursday night because it's a function of our spirit, 00:15:54 so you had the fellowship. You have the intuition. Intuition is where you know when you don't know how many experience that that's where the gifts of the spirit come flowing through the intuition. Word of wisdom, word of knowledge. Women have an extra large one. I don't know why. It's to protect us. Husbands and their kids 00:16:10 keeps us out of trouble. Thank you lauren. Women's intuition. It's a powerful thing. Scary but powerful, but then there's the conscience. That's another function of your spirit. The conscience. Actually the word means coast science, the place of two knowledges. In your spirit, you have the capacity to have knowledge of two realms, the spirit realm and the soul. It's like a swinging door between your soul and your spirit. It's where you take in the word of God, into your body, through your eyes. It goes into your mind and that it has to have. There has to be interaction with your spirit. That's where you read your Bible and that you have revelation. The conscience goes to work there. See that? It's like a swinging door back and forth. It informs your mind of what God is saying and doing and what the word of God says, and then it goes back and forth and this is a beautiful thing, but pulse, it has to be a good conscience. So your conscience definition wise would be the place of agreement between your concepts and your conduct. It's the place of agreement in here. Your conscious is that place of agreement between your concepts and your conduct. 00:17:14 How many ever had your conscience bother you? I mean, I had a guilty conscience. No raising of hands, please. Sure. We've all held guilty conscious. Why are conscious bothers us? Why? Because something we do some kind of a conduct doesn't line up with our concepts. 00:17:32 That third piece of Pie you had over the holidays, you're still feeling it. It's only been a couple of weeks. You haven't burned all those calories yet. See that, that indulgence, that buying that thing and you know you didn't need to get home and you look and go, what did I buy that? And just you just do something. Go. That doesn't line up with my concepts and see when God speaks a prophetic word, God is bringing his concepts from the kingdom, from an eternal perspective, his destiny for you. He speaks concepts into your life that are so foreign to you. You'll sit there and go, oh, I just don't bear witness of that. Of course you don't. It's not your concept. Isaiah said it so clear. My thoughts aren't your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. They're higher. God said, we have to realize that the authority and the realm that God speaks out of his soul, beyond humanness as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are my words. That's what God said to the Prophet Isaiah. I see. It's trying to explain this realm that God speaks from, so they're like the rain and the snow that come down the water. The earth causing that which is in the earth to spring forth. A prophetic word will activate something God already put into you. 00:18:42 The seeds come in word. Then he waters. Sometimes you get immediate refreshing. You're going to word that bears witness right away. That's a rain prophecy. Immediate watering, but then you're from Ohio. I don't have to explain. I have to explain this in the south and in Hot Asian countries, but there's also snow prophecies. Like yesterday, they just come down and they'd just sit there and they just sit there. They don't water anything. You just sit there, no action, not watering anything. It looks pretty at first and it just gets ugly. It just sits there. Sometimes a word comes and nothing. 00:19:19 You just gotta wait until God changes the season. I know hundreds of people have gotten properties and it was years before it was fulfilled and they think it's this. Is that not disappointed ohad that maybe no, and we go through seasons of life to everything. There's a season of God's purpose and so this understanding of conscience, holding faith and a good conscience, in other words, hold on with your conscience new concepts because when God speaks, he introduces new things about him. You learned about God, that things that you never really believed, that God actually has a sense of humor, that God actually likes you and loves you and God's not mad at you. I mean sometimes that comes through on a prophetic word that God will introduce things about you that you didn't know. Nobody knows you better than God. You don't know you. God does 00:20:22 under this new concepts about his word, about the people that you're doing life with, egads about your spouse. Oh my gosh, I didn't know that, honey. Really, it's so you know, God is always bringing us updates on concepts of the Kingdom of God and all of these are for one thing to transform us into the image of Christ. If you said, what's the chief purpose of prophecy? One answer to make you more like Jesus to make you more Christ like that's what all the fivefold ministers are. We are all expressions of the one Christ with five different types of annoying things, but one goal to equip the saints for the work of Ministry and to make us Christ like so. Paul says, look, you need to hold faith and a good conscience, and then he gives one more little warning because I used to not like this. Next part. 00:21:11 He goes by rejecting this. Some have made shipwreck watch of their faith, not of their lives, but if you made shipwreck of your faith, it doesn't look good for your life either. He said some having rejected the word of the Lord rejected. I just don't bear witness and I really have an ice float shipwreck as a Greek nautical term. It's not woo gay. Oh. Which means where we get the word to navigate. Some having rejected God's input and his concepts have tried to navigate their life and they shipwrecked their faith. That's where the ones that go off. I got a word, has been three weeks and nothing's happened. Really. I guess I need another one. No, you don't. You need to begin to go back to God. Go to the. You need to find out more about the God that gave you the word. I get a lot of people come up to me after meetings. 00:22:12 Um, yeah. You gave me a word tonight. Now can you explain? And they start rattling off a phrase I use that I have no recollection of. I can't remember these things. And what, what, what do you think that means? I go, I have no idea and I don't because I'm just, I'm just, I'm just the, the delivery boy. I'm just delivering the bread. You got to go and digest it. You have to go now to God and say, God, what did you mean? Because what? I think it means, what it, what God means. It could be totally different. So by rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith and then I used to say, okay, that's enough. God, he goes out there, there's one more verse like, okay. And he gives an example of those who rejected and shipwrecked their faith. These two chaps named Hymenaeus and Alexander. 00:23:01 I think there were a couple of school pals of Timothy. They all in the same class. Paul was possibly their mentor teacher and whenever it came to prophesy, they just kinda don't believe this stuff. It's just not true. I found goofing off whatever they were doing and so Paul said, hey tim, remember Jaime and Alex? Yeah. What a terrible short name. Jaime. That wouldn't be good anyway, but who would name their kid hymenaeus anyway? Anyway, so remember high unal yeah, I remember high now remember the class clowns? Yeah. They would always go for, but it didn't really take this prophecy stuff seriously. I remember them. Yeah, I says, whatever happened to them, Paul. He says, well, I put them in a different class. I changed professors on him. I handed them over to professor Satan was. Did he? Did he really like discipline and punish them? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. He taught. They learned. I just had to switch professors that they may learn. I'm no. God has an incredible faculty at his disposal. It's getting quiet in here. I won't go into it, but anyway, may not invite me back. But anyway, uh, yeah. Paul turned Hymenaeus and Alexander over to Satan that they may learn. What would they have to learn not to bless for me. Wow. 00:24:31 You don't want to go to that class. There's better ways to learn, but you know what? God will eventually teach you. Teach me your ways. Oh God. The psalmist said in Psalm 119, teach me your ways. Oh, really? That's, that's a big. That's a big ask because behind that it says, God, do whatever you must do to teach me. 00:24:55 Make me understand your word. He also said, make me understand it. Really? Yeah. Do what you must do to make me understand, okay, and then all hell breaks loose. So many people that say, you know, we we love that prophetic weekend you came, you prophesied a man, you left and all hell broke loose. I get [inaudible] [inaudible] your Bible. I'm preparing you for war. This is not bad. It's not like you'll win, but you've got to be aware that there's battles looming. Let me share one of the concepts. Then I'll give you a quick list of some of the battles will be facing and it's real. It's true, 00:25:31 but the prophetic seat now starts a process. The weekend's over, but the prophetic continues. That word is gonna. Keep running into you. You've got to keep it active, fresh, holding it in faith that a good conscience. The journey has now begun. So here's some concepts about the prophetic. Number one, the prophetic always involves a process. If you don't engage in the process, you'll never reach the destination. God has. You can't do this. And I've just really gotten so frustrated with that. A lot of leaders and pastors and I used to be a pastor. I'm not dissing anybody but this concept, I don't know. Well, I know where it came from, came from the enemy because it's not in the Bible, but over and over for years, I have heard now, pastor, what do we do? And we have to. We get our prophecy. Just put it on a shelf. God wants it to happen. It'll happen. Just put it on the shelf. Don't get too excited. Are you kidding? What shelf? Show me the shelf. 00:26:28 Oh, hold it in faith. Don't put it on a shelf. Don't fold it up and put in the back of your Bible. Get it in your heart. Hold it by faith. Let those concepts begin. Paul told Timothy, very clear, timothy, you get a prophetic word. You need to meditate upon it. Meditate upon these things. He says in First Timothy, four, 14, meditate upon these things. Give yourself wholly to them that your profiting will appear before all. What did he mean by that? You meditate on it, and I love the Greek phrase we said, see yourself in. It was really what it means and it says, give yourself wholly to it. The Greek would actually say, see yourself in it. I love that. See yourself doing what God said you're going to be doing. I see you're going to be. I see it going on on admission strip. I see you doing. I see you in leadership and you're going, I'm not a leader. I've never been on a mission trip. I remember. I know. It's like God's introducing his future too. You see yourself activity taking part in those words and the goal is this, not that you become a superstar. Paul said to Timothy that your profiting will appear before all. What's that mean? The word profiting is pro copay and the Greek, and it means a to blaze a trail through obstacles. Isn't that powerful? 00:27:43 There will be obstacles to you fulfilling your word. It was used in secondary Greek of lumber jacks that would clear a forest for a new road. 00:27:52 Save a group of lumberjacks. You bring up to a force and say, boys, yeah, we're going to put a road right there. I don't see any road. Nope, you're going to make it the way you're gonna. Make It. It's going to clear those trees out there, obstacles to the road we want to put in there so you boys get busy and pro copay, those big trees, and we're going to blaze a trail through every obstacle called tree. That's what Paul was teaching Timothy about. His prophecy. Meditate on it. See yourself doing it. See yourself blazing a new trail into your future that you're trailblazing would appear before all. That's what we had. Public meetings. I wasn't in some closet with a little stool prophesying to people privately. We do it before all so that all can engage in the victories and all can help in the warfare and all can say, Atta boy. What about that prophecy you got? Didn't you get a prophecy about that? But yeah, I guess I did. Well, come on man. What are you doing about. I mean, we can encourage one another to fulfill what God said profits to the prophetic word is not the delivery of just that singular word that you got for eight or 10 minutes. See, it starts a journey. I call it the journey of inquiry. 00:28:58 It's a process of inquiry that requires you to go back to God and say, God, what were you talking about? What does that mean? God loves that. He loves that child like, like God, I have no idea what this means. He goes, he starts dropping breadcrumbs. Come on, let God just so cool. Pick up another breadcrumbs and you'll get more revelations. Come on, and we start journeying with God in a process of transformation. God changes us. Changes our thinking or concepts is just amazing. It's a journey, and if you stop the journey and put it on the shelf, guess what? You make no progress. You're not fulfilling your not stewarding. You're expecting God to do everything. Well. If he wants it, God, I've heard it. How many times you've heard this odd must be to speak in tongues. Then I'll speak in tongues when he's, when he's ready. Really, he's just going to come in and grab your tongue and wagons and punch your voice box and squeeze your lungs like an accordion. Come on, son. You know you do it. So 00:30:03 what begins as insight into the future has to evangelize into action. What does that look like? Whoa. God starts tearing down false structures in your life. Starts dealing with bad habits, starts dealing with old things that are dying inside of you, personal dealings. All these. This is all part of the transformation. It's told you there's no way we could have preached this and then you'd shown up all weekend. See, this is the hates. Got to say it's really that bad. Oh yeah. It's that good. That good. When God starts dealing with your inner man, it starts reconstructing it, moving things around and prepares you. He gets you ready for that moment when they say, now I have fulfilled this prophecy. Now I've. I've gone on that trip, but see, it's not even the trip decision. So you're going on a trip. It's not just, I took the trip there. I might have I done know what happened on the trip. What a God do, what God say, what's God put into how these things are part of this process, but there will be battles. So let me just give you a quickly five battlefields of the prophetic word. The first is, we talked about it a little bit is the battlefield of delay. 00:31:08 They that wait upon the Lord, don't you just love that verse mean we're Americans. Come on, we don't like to wait for anything, but the battle will come when you feel like nothing's happening. God, it's been three weeks since I got that prophecy. God's what's going on here. You said you were going to visit my family in a powerful way. I haven't seen any visitation and suddenly you start whining and complaining and what you don't realize. See the war of words, the devil starting to reach in and snatch away the potential. See, that's why you. He wants to snatch that thing and you start seeing when you start mumbling, grumbling, speaking negatively about the delay, what you're doing is you're not holding in faith anymore. You're holding it and unbelief. Last. I guess that's not gonna happen. Well, I guess I guess I guess I think. 00:31:52 I guess well that wow, all that is signals that you're letting go. You're not waging warfare with the prophecy. You're not holding in faith. Your conscious is all messed up because you're just, you're not. You're not going there in faith, and so that battle of delay can mess with you is ask Abraham. You're going to have a baby. Ooh, honey, we're going to have a baby. Woo. Twenty five years later, they had the baby. Don't you think that Abraham had a little bit of battle, especially with Mama Sarah? Yeah. I'm sure they had some words, so couples get an agreement over your prophetic words. That's a little less than from Abraham and Sarah because if God said it, it's going to happen, but the battlefield of delay will try to take you out 00:32:48 very close to that is. Well, these are all kind of close battles. There's the battle of no recognition. We have that a second up there. Yeah. The battlefield have no recognition. What does that mean? Well, we all liked the encouraging part of the prophetic word. We all like to see how God's going to use us and maybe God says something about leadership and or maybe even a call to ministry or even a vocational boost and these things happen in a prophetic word and then nothing happens. You get this recognition before the church. You kind of struck out Friday night to hear my word. What'd you think? A leader to hear that? Yeah. It be a leader in the house. Really? Yeah. Password. You hear that word about leader? Yeah. Yeah, I did. So when do I start leading? He said, well, we have a class on Tuesday nights on discipleship, so we'd like you to get into that discipleship class. Tuesday nights. You want me here? I won't be in church on Tuesday night. That's my bowling night. I. You're not going to progress into leadership right away, are you? You're not quite ready to see that word comes on. Suddenly you got to start making some choices. See, we want recognition, but we don't realize God's process of humility and things like that. So the battlefield have no recognition boarded Morticai have a good one with that. You know what's going on when there's no recognition, 00:34:19 God's purging you. Oh, all those ugly attitudes we all have. Yeah, our pride and all that stuff. Promotion comes from the Lord, right? So I'm seventy five cents, so you got to battle through the fact that nobody's recognizing your great calling in life. Okay? You battled through and let God purge you. Thirdly, close to that as the battlefield of misunderstanding, 00:34:42 and this is where you've got to go to God and find out what God meant because you'll be like job and get all your counselors around. It'd be more confused at the end. Now I, I do counsel you to meet with pastors and elders. Meet with them, have them pray through with you, but they're not your interpreter. That was a word for you. Paul wasn't even interpreting Timothy's where he was telling him how to battle through it. You said you're going to have some battles. Timothy, here's how your wage good warfare with your prophecy. Don't come to me. I don't know. I can't interpret it. That's, that's a word for you. That's why it's so beautiful. It's so personal. God speaks to you, so on the battlefield of misunderstanding, you have to go to God and find out 00:35:23 you like the mailman coming, putting a letter in the mailbox. I know this is a fantasy. They actually used to put letters on a piece of paper in an envelope and put it in a box in front of your house. Kids are. They all laughed. Okay. You guys don't understand that. I was trying. I thought maybe I had explained that to anybody under 20 mail box. It's not an icon on your screen. It's a box. Anyway. Uh, so. And he put the letter in there and walked to the next house and you know, someone comes out and they get the letter out and they rip it up and they start reading it and they go, whoa. Hey, hey, mailman. Come here a minute. He comes over here. Just mamzer problem. Oh yeah. I just got this letter from my sister. Now see in this third paragraph she said, what? 00:36:06 What does that mean, lady? I didn't write that letter. I just delivered it. Go Ask your sister. Right? That's how I feel sometimes was like, what did you mean when you prophesied that they. I don't know. I'm just delivering it as the guy up there, so you have to go to God and say, God, what did you mean? And he'll tell you. See, this is all another motive of God's heart. It's to draw you close to him. God wants to develop more intimacy with you. We don't brush your hands. Go up that prophetic weekends open, so maybe next year. No, it's like God, we get to walk with you in a way we've never walked with you before. We get to believe. We get to pray. Different little change of life. Those things that got put in there, you're going to have to pray and ask him. 00:36:52 Commune with him a fourth one of the battlefield of doubt, very close to the battlefield of delay. They go hand in hand. Once you get into delay mode, you'll get into doubt mode. So the battlefield of doubt can only be remedied with faith. It goes back to the basics, holding faith. Hebrews four, two, it says that the children of Israel, they they did not profit because they did not mix their faith with the word of God. They didn't mix faith. It means to mingle to substances. Together. You got to mix faith with your prophecy and then finally there's what we call the battlefield of the prophetic crisis. Yes, more bad news. Here we go. Let's finish up with this is. This is good morning. This is like mom and dad sitting down, lecturing or getting ready to go off to college like, okay, now this is going to happen. 00:37:42 Is gonna happen this thing, right? How are you going to handle it? How you gonna handle it. What are you going to do that and just kind of play out some scenarios because like that's my question, how are you going to handle it when the warfare comes? You can't be afraid. You can't put it on a shelf. You can't run to the pastor and warfare. Yeah, welcome to the prophetic. Welcome to pushing back darkness, advancing the kingdom. Welcome. We're in a war, everybody. We serve on a battleship, not a cruise. Line him, another drink. Jesus. 00:38:13 No, we're on a battleship. So in this battlefield there are times when a prophetic crisis comes from the word. So what happens is, let me explain it this way. In proverbs 18, verse 30 and also proverbs or psalm 18, 30, proverbs 30 verse five, there's a phrase it says, as for God's word, it is pure, but it's that word is actually an action where it's actually purified a purifier and it's used a putting something into a smelting furnace. God's word see comes into us and here's the deal. Then God fires up his furnace, got fires up the smelting furnace for humans and he puts you and the word in the furnace and you have a meltdown. I was doing great until that prophetic word came. Nothing yet well meltdown because God's turning up the heat because he's purifying you. Purifying motives and actions and attitudes. 00:39:15 All that comes from the word of God. That's what the word of God will do for you. It will purify you as for God's word. It will purify you and what happens in there, and they turned the heat up just like a, like a, a raw piece of or all the impurities rise to the surface. Thoughts you thought you got rid of ideas, actions you thought you never see. Things come out of your mouth and go, oh, I haven't said that in years. I mean all this stuff that's deeply hidden in you and the Holy Spirit comes into scrapes it off the new improved version of you, the purified version. How many want the purified version of your spouse knows? Every hand goes up. Let's start with you. Let me rephrase that. How many want the purified version of yourself? Of course we do, but see if there's a process that does some of his best work with a little bit of crisis sprinkled in there. You're going to get through it. Look, you're going to heaven when you die. What did? Quit whining? I'm kidding. I'm sending. You know, you'll get through it because if it's God, 00:40:18 you're unstoppable. I had a friend say years ago, he says, you're indestructible until God's done with you. Indestructible. So in the purifying that that's precious to God, that's more precious than just that word that comes the purifying. Let me leave you with this. First Peter Chapter Five, verse 10. It's a great verse. First Peter, Chapter Five, verse 10, and after you've suffered a little while, forced a smile right now, just force one that's good. After you've suffered a little while, it's like cussing for a Christian. After you have suffered. I don't want to suffer. I pray anti suffering prayers every morning. Why doesn't God answer my prayer? Because it's in the book. Everybody. Peter, Peter's the man I used. He was man. He was the first. He was the lead off batter on pentecost. Man, he got to preach the first sermon of the church. But how do you get prepared? He got prophecies. Satan has desired to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith wouldn't fail. And so when you're converting your goal to strengthen your brethren, how many want that word sentence? Excuse me, can I have another word? Peter suffered. 00:41:38 He sinned. He betrayed Christ. He denied him. He went through some stuff. But it prepared him, and so he wrote this. After you've suffered a little while, watch the god of all grace. Say All grace, all grace. He's the God of all grace chapter before chapter four, verse 10, I'll just let you in on a secret. Peter said this, or to use the gifts that we received to serve one another as good stewards of the varied grace of God, varied or multifaceted, grace of God. Another way to look at that word is multicolored. I like that definition of that word, the multicolored grace of God. You know what that means for whatever circumstance you're in, you have a blue Monday. God's got blue grace. 00:42:29 You're all fired up on Tuesday, mat of the world. God's Got Red Grace for your anger. Then you crash on Wednesday. You're just nothing but fear. God's got yellow grace for your yellow striped on your bag. God's multicolored. Whatever grace do you need, he's got. He's got it covered. That's what Peter's saying. He covered me all the followups, although goofy things. I did the goofy things. I said. Peter said, you know what? I want to tell you the god of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus will himself watch for words, restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. That's a sermon right there. Those four words, powerful words, he will restore it. That's the Greek word for equipping of the saints. That's what prophets and prophecy. You're getting equipped. You're getting crafted an equipper as a crafter. Caught Tis is the word for equipping, but it's a word for restore. Same word, heal, restore, anything that is that it entered or lost, God will put it back. You'll restore, he'll restore you. He'll confirm you. Wow. That means to make you solid as a rock. He'll make you solid after you've suffered a while. Come on. 00:43:47 You can't divorce the first half of the verse through our suffering, which is just a severe human experience. We go through severe human experiences and through that God is at work and every situation deeply at work, restoring equipment. You confirming you, making you solid as a rock fills you with strength. That's the word strengthened to fill you with strength for the journey to get the job done and establish you. It means to lay a basis and build a foundation and you. This is all the invisible work that goes on in your warfare. This is all what's going to be taking place. Now from this day forward, you are on a new journey. That word was right this morning. There's kind of a fresh. I can't remember how it came from the mountain who gave that word like this. Fresh Love was, you know, that's not just St God's sake. I'm going to hug you harder. Oh, there's a fresh loaf. I'm going to give you know this fresh love is the energy that God uses to change us. It's not just like, I'm going to make you feel better. Sorry. The love of God is not just about feeling better. The love of God is like a parent that disciplines and put structure in their kids and makes them from and strength all these words that Peter was using [inaudible]. That's not set her God. The God of all grace will get your ready 00:45:00 to win the war. I'm ready. Ready to win the war. Amen. You got to put on your battle close. Get battle ready. As we've been doing all weekend, we got orders from headquarters and now this charge I give to you. Go wage. Good warfare with your prophecy. Amen. God bless you. 00:45:25 You okay? 00:45:51 We're going to minister just to a few more couples. They didn't pay until this morning, so that's why we had to wait. I got that tie message. That was good word on tithing. She'd get that. Leaders doubled. Tides. You know that, don't you? I was with the kids are engaged. All right. This is not a spectator sport. Engage with this couple as we pray and just be listening for that secondary illumination that you might get off of their word. So we're gonna. Engage together. Amen. So this is going to be fun. Just a fun couple. You are so interesting and so opposite. I can't believe how opposite the two of your gods. That's true. Opposites attract God. Just put two opposites together through you in a sack and shook you up and said, let's do this. This will be interesting and you have so much to bring to the Kingdom of God, 00:46:45 so much to offer this next seasons and I'm putting them back to back. Seasons are major transformation and change are coming to you and you might as well just get used to it, but there's a. there's going to be just an enhanced level of leadership coming over both of you responsibility in the house. I'm just going to just get right to the point that day will come. Not too long from now. You'll both be full time at this church. Both. Not one both. And listen church, that means you're gonna have to pay them. They need to be paid. Well, 00:47:20 it just makes things go creepy in the house. You know, I just, I love it when that creepy moment comes in and people go, he's prophesying about money. This is a real deal. I've been, had been kind of stewing on this all weekend and every time I saw the two of you, I just was getting this and I'm just, I just have to say it, you, you're, you're both called to be full time to lead this church because there is a Pazazz that you have. Sister is going to energize other people into action and brother, there's a steadfast solid as a rock. What we just talked about, your, uh, Peter Solid as a rock. You're going to help stabilize and build a strong foundation and men and women, both of you are going to build men and women because this place is going to explode with growth, but you've got to do the prep work and you don't wait until there's too many people to shepherd. 00:48:09 We're going to get some shepherds in place and get some staff going and get structures in place so that God can safely send the people here and they'll be well cared for. People join churches because they want to be shepherded. Then did shepherding grace, but see, you're going to offer more than shepherding grace. You're going to give them teaching grace and there's going to be even prophetic grace that comes out of this house and see all the graces of Christ. The God of all grace is going to give them what they need when they need it. Prophetically. Epistolic Lee, the teaching rather you're teaching mantle is going to take a twist and a turn and you're going to get a little. Just lay your hand on his shoulder, going to go a little. Their wife's Pazazz just a little more and sees your favorite fan by the way. 00:48:54 She loves it when you preach, but she's like, come on honey, turn it up. Turn it up a little. Just turn it up a little. And brother, that's, that's just going to come. I, I, I, um, I don't know about you. I listened to other preachers online. I do. And sometimes they'd do something to go, oh, that's good. And I just feel like you're, you're going to have some unknown mentors, guys you'll never meet, but you're going to catch something of a style and got what I'm saying? God's going to just turn your style up a little differently and you've got some amazing stories and God says, keep using the stories and if you don't, God is going to create some new ones, so use them. Use the storage because you know they're. They're obviously, it's a good teaching technique and a good preaching technique in a humble attics, but there's just so much of you, Chris, that has yet to come out. 00:49:43 It's like you've just been kind of sitting and kind of you're there and people acknowledged, but the real you, who who the real you is about to come out. There's another level of Chris in there that God is gonna Unzip your going to be undone like Isaiah high. Woe is me. I'm undone. God said, Yep, I'm undoing you. I'm zipping you open and show them the real you and the. There's just so it's so exciting. So these are big days of change, adjustment, prayer, a wisdom of the elders. We're going to have to come and council to say, how are we going to do this? How are we gonna do that? You're going to fill that whiteboard up in that boardroom over and over and over and erase and add and erase, and there's just going to be fun like you're designing something for God. 00:50:26 You're designing capacity in other people. You're going to be equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. You're going to see missions go out of this house and you're going to see people lost. Get saved. Hallelujah. Baptisms. You're going to. Your baptism is not going to be a little add on to a service. The entire service is going to be centered on baptism and you're going to shout it out to the streets. We're having a baptism service like, why are they so excited about baptism? Why are we excited? Holy cow, that's making disciples. That's what we're here on the planet for. I mean, you're just going to get excited about every key thing that Jesus told us to do and they won't be just little lists. It will become life. You're going to impart life to people and you're gonna. Raise leaders. I want to just say this also. 00:51:13 I feel like there's an for both of you know. There's some, again, there's mentoring and you've got great leaders here, you've got sage wisdom and you've got age and experience, but there's some kind of peer mentors that are going, you're just going to grab hold of something that they do. You're going to begin to model some things. I can tell just by being in this worship center, you've modeled some things very well. Everything from your lighting to your stage, to your aesthetics. You just didn't come up with that in one of your great dreams of we probably did, but I mean there are some. There's some actual things that God's going to mentor you into quickly. That's why I'm just saying that you guys, this is a speed up system. I'm not talking years from now. This is going to happen much faster than you're even ready for, but that's welcome to leadership. 00:51:59 You're never ready for the next thing God has. You're never ready. You never say, well, are they ready for leadership? No, and neither were you. Smile, so it's a smile break. We're never ready, but God says, go. I'm going to put you in there and you're gonna do great and you're going to develop team. You guys are such team builders so you don't have to do it all. You're going to be building team, building team. Everything's going to have a team, no solo acts from now on. God says everything's Team Ministry because in the team you build depth and you gain experience and you multiply. That's another word. Just get that deep in you multiply, multiply. You know what? It's great to add to the church like did, but I'll tell you what, God's a multiplier. He loves to multiply and that's your thinking is going to change. 00:52:52 Your language is going to change. There's just some concepts of your culture and some things you're going to begin to do that are going to change how you communicate and both of you together are going to be a communicating team. And um, I'm going to give you an example that we did and this is, yeah, this is prophetic to um, we changed. We don't use the word volunteer anymore. We have a surf team. They serve. See if you're a volunteer, you're temporary, you're doing a job and you don't get paid. It's kind of like, yeah, they're just a volunteer. They're kind. What? When you're on the surf team and you're a server, you have great potential. See now I'm serving my weight up. I'm moving into servant hood. I'm being Christ like and the whole, those one change of one word from volunteer to serve, Surf team changed the culture in our church and we got more people to serve because there's actually some people were kind of like, I don't want to be a volunteer. 00:53:51 I. I'm already a volunteer here. When you say I'm a serving the body of Christ, suddenly it's like, wow, I'm doing what Jesus did. So that's one example of how God is going to begin to insert new vocabulary. See, that's a concept thing. God's going to put new concepts and I'm just saying, God's saying, get ready, get ready. Open up is open up your hearts. You too. For some new concepts, new wave. There's going to be just upgrades. It's going to be so exciting because there's people that God has waiting to come here and he's saying, get the ship ready for more passengers, but see, you got to change. The concept from this is a cruise line to read is a battleship. You're here, you're going to serve, you're going to be going to work. You're going to say it nicely, but you're going to say it your way. 00:54:35 You're going to work. You're not just going to sit and warm up you. I mean you're going to get people activated, motivated, energized, and released into kingdom destiny like never before. You've had it. You've had a measure of it, but you know what? This is great. This is nice little family, but I'm going to say this kindly. We're going to bust up the family structure and I'm not talking about get rid of the parents and all that. I'm talking about. This is a nice family size church, loving everybody, but you know what God says, you've got room for a whole lot more people. God is going to kind of bust up, okay and spread you out. So y'all need to get ready. This is now a word for the church. You need to get ready for new relationships. Make Room as. Hear the word of the Lord. 00:55:16 Make Room. You start with room in your heart. Make Room in your heart for more church. There are so many lost and dying people. If you'd just get in prayer and say, God, show me your heart for the city. You'll end up weeping like Jesus wept over Jerusalem. He wept and said, you didn't know your time of visitation. God wants to visit and powerfully in all churches and there's things happening worldwide. They're phenomenal. So make room. It's a big word. Make Room. God is gonna. Bless God's gonna. Multiply. God's going to increase and these two need to be full time. They need to be doing it full time. They're gonna give. They'll give way more than you pay them. They'll give more than 40 hours a week, guaranteed, but they're going to do more. And you could do less of what you're currently doing and more of the leading, shepherding. 00:56:13 Hm. 00:56:15 And building. Thank you Lord. 00:56:18 Wow, 00:56:19 that's good stuff. Give these two a round of applause. Awesome. Go get them. 00:56:36 I just want to encourage us. Church isn't this exciting? The things, the Lord speaking, preparing for the next generation, preparing an unfolding division. It's really awesome and Lord has been revealing a stepson and stones and those things all through the weekend. If you need to go, it's okay. You can be released to go, but I just know this, that the things you're hearing doing a will be implemented in time and affect the church and a great way. 00:57:05 Amen. All right, Josh and Kyle. Father, we thank you for this couple, Lord. Thank you. You're like an Aaron and uh, her, uh, to leaders. You guys know how to lift up the handset when I hanged down. You know how to stay in the battle. You know how to intercede. You know how to stand with their steadfastness and both of you to see empowerment come to every level of believer. So you're an empowering couple and you're going to empower people into their gifting. They're calling. We heard it in that verse and Peter that you know, we're to minister the grace of God, one to another by the, by the gifts of God, the chorus, we minister what God gave us into other people. You're going to unlock that. I see you're teaching some classes and helping people unlock their destiny. Very, very strategic classes, but where you're taking them through, maybe you're taking through a personality test and some other things where they begin to unlock who they really are and then you lay hands on them and unlock them some more and get them fixed. 00:58:04 You know what I mean? You're going to be taking some broken vessels and fix them. Brother. You're a fixer. You don't fix things. You're good at it. You're good at seeing what's wrong, and then saying, here's the remedy. You're not just critical saying, oh, what a jerk. I was like, no, he's a jerk because this happened in his life when he was 12. That's why he's a jerk and you're going to go in for that 12 year old that's hurting still inside the fifth. You know the 25 year old and say, we're gonna. Fix that. We're gonna. Fix your 12 year old self and make them into a 25 year old. You're going to just bring healing and inner healing and restoration and you're going to love the work of the ministry. You gotta to love shaping men and women for Christ. It's going to be just a delight, not just a duty, a delight and A. There's resources. 00:58:50 There's tools. Both of you are going to have sister you're I even seen at times you both have your own kind of like a development group or you're going to have a group of men for 10 weeks and just take them through something that's just going to straightened some crooked things out and you're going to have a group of ladies take them through a development group who they are in Christ, who they are as a woman to just just keep battling against the forces that are coming against us from the world. This trying to even tear down gender and all the ridiculous things, but it's the enemy and you guys are going to go after it. You're going be unashamedly saying this is how God made us. 00:59:25 Yeah. Identity. And so there's a discipleship and there's this and that and the other thing. But here's the other thing. There's a. You have children. Yeah. Three. Yeah. There's just A. There's a stability that you're kinda almost striving for in the home and it's not bad. It's just that it's just sometimes you feel like, you know, the boat never settles down. It's like we're on the boat's always rocking. Can we just have. And I just feel like God says there's a stability coming and it's not just all smooth sailing ahead for the rest of your lives, but there's a stability that's going to just playing off this word and first in first Peter 5:10 to stabilize, to strengthen and stabilize and establish. You're just establishing good order in your home. You're establishing rules and regulations and you know, there's the rules and you know, but it's parenting, you know, but like I said to someone else, you're not just parenting, you're making disciples, written your house. 01:00:20 You're not just parenting your kids and getting them food, clothing and shelter. You're discipling them in the ways of God. And that's why I'm saying there's a, there's a stabilization coming where they're actually going to say, okay mommy, it's like music to my ears. She said, okay, the first time I can come here and say that again. No, I'm kidding, but yeah, there's going to be because you know, we're battling these little will's, these little unsanctified unredeemed humans called our kids. We love them. I just had my fifth grandchild. He's three weeks old and I held him for the first time at Christmas. I looked at him, I said, you need to get saved. That was my first words to them. Hi Griffin. You need to get saved. They do for the saving of their sols and you're going to see the stability come into your home and here's the other thing. 01:01:06 Then you're going to export it to other people, so this is a very interesting season in your home. God's going to visit you powerfully, give you wisdom. A parenting is one of the best things for your prayer life and when you get older, you do all your parenting and your needs. Can I have an amen? Chuck, and then we do our parenting on our knees. Unless you have permission to speak, permission to speak. Um, this is all part and parcel of God building a powerfully solid family here and there's so much fracturedness, fractured lives out there. They need a family, not just someone to hug them, that'll be good. And give him a cup of coffee. That's the outside, but on the inside they need that loneliness and that hurt, healed to know that God loves them. Just the way they are. Man's going to be good. 01:01:57 It's going to be good. You guys are going to be in on some leadership, POW wows and get the mind of God and a think tank. Just like I said, the other couple, you'll be helping fill up a white board or two and be praying. I said, well, well, let's try something else. So we're also going to do it. Just try. You know, I just feel like, you know, God's got so much grace for this house. Just you've got grace to fail. Can I say it that way? There's plenty of grades for your failures. It's asked Peter so you know what tries things. Try things you've never tried before with the goal to reach more people for Christ and it's going to happen. Feel God blesses your home. There's a couple upgrades. By the way coming. You've got some upgrades on your list, sister, I don't know if he's even read your list yet, but you've got some upgrades before God and God says, granted, now there's gonna. Be a process brother, but there's some upgrades. Come to proceed. You're going to have people in your home. You're going to be making your own disciples with your kids, but you're going to be meeting with men and women and hanging out and your home is going to have some upgrades because you're just going to delight in the people of God, right in your own house. Amen. A good couple. 01:03:03 Bless you. Bless you. 01:03:07 Citing. Amen. We have just one more cup over. We're going to minister to quickly here. This is a couple that are foundational pillars in this house. We loved them. DNA. Rollin, 01:03:19 Kathy. 01:03:27 Prophecy juice. I had to get another swig. Make sure this high octane, prophetic word for this couple. So it's rob, is that right? Ron? Ron, sorry. Andy and Cathy. All right. Let's bless this couple. Father, we thank you so much for elders. I just thank you for them, Lord. I just. You know, no elders. There's no church. Hey, amen. You can't say we got to church and say, but we don't have any elders because God said I want elders in every city. I want to elders and go ordain elders in every church. Paul, get those elders, raise up elders. Elders bring order to the house. I feel like I'm preaching, but this is just coming so strong or the two of you. I'm just. I'm prefacing in a teaching way what these two represent to this house and what they represent to the Christian life and why authority is so important and why eldership is so vital to the foundation and why it's vital to order. Just like parents in the house, elders in the church bring order, stability, strength, all the security team. I just commend you guys as a team and how you built as couples and how you built carefully built biblically. These are all. I feel like I'm. I'm sticking little merit badges on the two of you. It's like, you did this, you did this, this is. This was right. You get a merit badge. You get a badge. These guys have earned their badges 01:04:48 and yet yet you know what? 01:04:52 They wouldn't dare where I'm around you. That's who they are. There's truly humility here, but great strength. The word that comes to me as the word meekness, you're a meek couple and a lot of people don't understand that word. It's not weak. It's mick with an m in the Greek. Word is [inaudible], and the only time Jesus described himself, he said, I am meek and lowly of heart, so anytime you give a character analysis of who he was, I am meet big means strength under control, strength, under control of another. Jesus was full of strength and power. He was divinity, but he laid it aside, became a man, but his all of his strength was available, but it was under the control of another because I could call down a legion of angels right now, but I'm not. I could. You guys have strength which you've submitted to the master has made you effective not only with your actions, but with your words. 01:05:50 You will have no idea you. It just had no idea the lives you've changed. None of us will administrative. I mean there's some people you minister to and you'll never see them again on this planet, but you know what? Your words are alive in their lives. The things you've said, the way you shaped them, encourage them, prayed for them. Sister, oh my gosh. I'd pay $100 to get on your prayer list. If I could just get on your privilege for a week, my life would be awesome, right? Ron, you know, it's like, man, that's a good thing. You're on her prayer list, brother. You wouldn't be sitting here today, but anyway. No, we are so grateful for those that pray and we'd never know. That's why I said these two, they're not appear to get accolades, but you know what? They're deserving of it because God has just bragging about two of his kids up here. 01:06:36 It's the most dangerous thing you say. Tell me about your grandchildren. We've got a couple of hours. Let me get my phone out and show you a picture. Let me tell you about Ron. Is Cats Cathy, right? Let me tell you about. And Kathy. God just wants to go on and on and on. That's what he thinks about youtube, but these are good days and this is not a retirement party this morning. This is like, brother, you're going to be busy. God's already preparing. There's more people coming. What's that mean? GotTa make more disciples. Disciples have to be made. They don't come ready. You've got to make them, and you guys are going to be a on the steering committee. If I can say that you're going to help steer the discipleship process, make sure it stays on track, make sure it's not too fast, but also that it's not too slow. 01:07:24 It's got to be like the three bears just right. You've got to have it just right and you're going to tweak it. You're gonna have eyes behind these young leaders and just like, you know, teaching someone to drive. You're going to have to make sure that they get in the driver's seat and I know you're going to drive. I'm right here though. I'm right here. And you can be like driving instructors, helping them navigate and coordinate and get through some things and uh, teach them how to pray. Teach them how to prophesy, teach about, I hear God's voice, all these fundamentals that we just doesn't come as to be discipled into them and it's going to happen. Um, I don't know how much traveling you to do, but there's plenty ahead. There's plenty of places that you're going to go visit and I think you're going to do some, continue to do some things with this. 01:08:10 Uh, I can't remember the name of your ministry. What's the, what's your outreach or epistolic harvest preparation. There's, there's some things you're going to tag along and be contributing into to this ministry because once again, your stature speaks loudly and your words are going to help quickly shape some younger men, uh, that we prophesied over it. Was it Mike the other day? And there's some, there's some rumblings going to happen in that ministry and it's going to take sage men to bring up the next generation. So you're going to be in the house, out of the house, in the house, out of the house. I'm in and out, and sometimes it just be going to sniff out what somebody else is doing. And you guys are going on kind of a it, a fam trip, a familiarization trip. Were you going to find out, say, we heard about this, we heard that there's a church that does this and they do it. 01:08:57 Well, let's go check it out. And you'll just be sent to see this part of epistolic sending. It's sending out to spy out what's going on, not just what the enemy's doing, but what's what God's doing. What works. These are gonna. Be Good days. Thank you Lord. Thank you lord it. Speak Health and wisdom over your marriage, health and wisdom over your children. Grandchildren. There's been a few battles. I think you saw those five battlefields. You went and checked. You checked by every number all the way down to number five. You want. You could probably preach that better than me. You've probably got stories that didn't make mindset puny. But anyway, it's your brother. You guys know about battlefields, right? In your own house and your own, your own lineage. But you know what? The devil doesn't like you or your family or anything. We all have to get over that. 01:09:48 He just doesn't like it. So you know what? Like I said, the battles here, but you're going to win. And there's one. One of your children is still in a battle right now, but God says there's a wind coming. There's a wind coming and you're gonna. Just take heart. I just think you need to hear that from an outsider and say, take heart. God's going to move and there's going to be a struggle, but I see him like he's like a, like a caterpillar coming into his Chrysalis, spread its wings and fly the glory of God. Amen. Father, we bless this couple. We thank you. Give them long life longevity. Give them influence. Oh God. Powerful influence in the lives of young men and women that will be hungry and would come and take a drink of this couple and say, that is good stuff. I don't know. Wow. That I taste experience. I taste wisdom. I taste strength when these two talk and so keep talking. Amen. Keep praying. Keep believing God's with you. Amen. Stand together. I know we spent a little longer day and we've kept the teachers and thank you for your patience, but this is really important, man. So let's pray. Heavenly father, we thank you that Lord, the church is born out of 01:11:14 your heart. We are your bride and Lord, we know that we are convicted and we have confidential. Lord. That's the upper room. Was born out of your heart, father, you continue to brood over it and bring forth life, father and so lord, we rejoice and we thank you lord for what you're doing. We say yes and amen to the things of the kingdom. Lord, may we truly embrace and open up and investigate and unfold the things that you're speaking to us, Lord and Lord, we're fit for the battle. We declare that it is our victory Lord and so Lord, we thank you for these things. Continue to lead and guide and direct for your good and your glory. Father, we just take a moment and we just lay hands on. Clam is thanking you, Lord, for his life and service in the kingdom. Thank you for this servant. 01:12:04 Oh Lord, we thank you Lord for the integrity of the ministry that he brings forth. Lord, we rejoice and thank you lord. There there are many who claim to be but are not. And so father we just thank you for the integrity of his ministry, the integrity of his family. We bless him and we thank you Lord. It may your blessings continue to unfold for him and his family and these days, health, prosperity, abundance, Lord and favor, Lord Jesus. Thank you for that, Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. And all God's people said Amen. Lord bless you. As you go.