So how do you undo this? Oh, okay, we're gonna rearrange the furniture okay. Everybody stand up for just a minute get a stretch in there. Remember be a participator laugh cry, clap do something when you hear something that sounds good to you to say amen and it encourages us and yeah normalizes the moment just to let you have two wives, okay here's what we're gonna do with these troublemakers right here you're gonna just line up right here all three of you right? Just face me. Because these people are very intimidating to look at trust me. You can be seated. Just back up a little bit. Okay, perfect. Perfect. No shoes. Makin Highland Come on. Have you been that? I need to go there. Okay, what's your name? Jane. I knew that. And I forgot already. Something Jaden. Are we thank You, Lord, for these ladies. Think of that they represent, Lord, a powerful generation that's arising. We just thank You, Lord for what they mean to this house. Pray for Jaden. Lord, just Lord. Thank You, Lord for her for her wisdom already as a young lady. She's got wisdom flowing. She's you're perceptive. You've you've listened to conversations. I would say it in sanctify it, you know, you've just been in the right place at the right time. But you know what? You're all ears. That's a good thing. You don't eavesdrop? I wouldn't say that like, but you know, when you start hearing a conversation that you think is going to be beneficial to your future, you just kind of do a little lean in and go Hmm, that's good. Write that one down, kind of remember that. There's some wise women in your life. And you're a beneficiary of their wisdom. And here's the other thing. Get more, I feel like the Lord says, Be a little more, probing aggressive, move into that spirit of inquiry, and ask some of the tough questions. I think you've got to, you've got a couple of key questions about life, marriage, some of the things you're pondering, there's books and videos and all that. But you know what, there's some beautifully mature proverbs 31 women right here in this house, that you can trust, that are gonna mentor you, and teach you and decipher you and give you great wisdom, they're gonna help protect you. And they're going to just kind of give you the it's the kind of the Titus apparatus we call it, where the older women teach the younger women. And you know, there's kind of what someone says, an old fashion model in there to be keepers at home, you know, take care of the kids. Just stay home and take care of the kids. It's like, Are you kidding? That's not what that means. But sometimes you feel that way. And sometimes it's even perceived that way. But I wish I just want to say this, that is the most noble thing, raising children, for God, and you're going to be an amazing mother. I just think you've sometimes wondered, and who doesn't, like, nobody's ready to be a parent, you can listen to 100 YouTube videos, and you still don't know what to do. When that thing is in your arms, you know, screaming, you know, there's a reality that comes with it, but there's a joy, and there's a noble ministry. And I just, I just feel like there's something God is just going to encourage you to know that God has motherhood for you. And it's a noble thing. And it's going to be a, it's gonna be something, you're not just going to be proud in a wrong way. Like, you're going to be proud to be a mother, you're going to be proud to be a wife. You're going to be proud to raise a godly family. These are things that already running in your in your desires of your heart, and just God says you know, it just because we have such a fractured world and fractured society, there actually are a few good men out there. So take heart, they are out there. But you might have to pray him in because you have good standard. See, that's part of your wisdom is you got, you've got a level of wisdom and you got a certain standard that you have set biblically. And that's a good thing. Don't lower your standards. Just because you're feeling lonely, or you're feeling I get you might be on the battle of delay. And God just says, I've got the right one. I'm raising him up. There'll be the perfect time and the perfect match, and God will put safety nets around you so you can counsel with the right people to say is what do you think about him? It's like, get some counsel. It's good bouncing off some people. That's why you were in the community of the saints. You have wise women and other other fathers and, and men that can just say not very good. Or, hey, all right. I'm going to take them home. and really find out what's who's like, okay, so, you know, have them date some men first. And then they'll tell you. So this a good so it's kind of a, it's kind of like out there, we're just kind of like, you know, it's kind of, I need to know what's going on next week, Lord, here's the thing. You're going to hear the voice of God, plenty for yourself to a level of just peace and satisfaction, to the point that when you're not hearing God on a specific thing, God is going to give you peace about it. And you won't have anxiety. I think there's been a few times you've battled and who I could probably say this to everybody in the room, a little bit of anxiety. And when scripture says in Philippians, Be anxious for nothing, it doesn't mean don't care at all. The word there literally means don't have a distracting care. Don't get distracted by certain things that come into your life. Do what Paul taught the Philippians to do that everything with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God then we'll come and mount guard over your heart and mind and you're going to be a woman that's gonna be known how to walk in peace, right in the midst of turmoil. Some people are gonna go are you how do you do it? Why are you so calm? We're all freaking out and you're sitting over there calm, almost gonna get mad. Like why are you so calm? Darn it. It's like, come and get anxious with the rest of us because it's no I'm good. It's got a you just carry yourself in a peace that passes understanding. But here's the thing it's assigned to others that want it. I'll just close with this. Scripture on the Beatitudes. Blessed are the peacemakers, gentle you're going to be a peacemaker for Jesus. Blessed are the peacemakers. There's peace fakers. They fake it. There's peace breakers, they break it. You're going to be a peace maker in many situations and help people out of their anxiety and find the prince of peace. Amen. Amen. What's your name? Cana like land of Cana. Wow. You should be a wedding coordinator. That kind of name weddings by Cana. Okay, Cana. Father, thank You, Lord. Thank you for Kanan musical at all. A little, well, that's going to grow, I'd see music growing in you. I'm not I don't know what that is. That's a big term, isn't it? That means you might add some songs to your playlist. I don't know what that means. But God just says, I see music growing in you, which means music, music is going to be a tool. Music is going to be something that's going to feed you at times with maybe some worship songs, but I just see music growing in your but do not limit yourself and do not minimize your talent. And do not say I could never do that. Because you've thrown those things out as little phrases, and God hears them. And he laughs because God says I made you your mind. And there's a lot of talent. Now I just quoted a scripture where it says don't neglect the gift that was given you the charisma that was given you with prophecy in the laying out of hands. And I'm just going to do what Paul reminded us that he did with Timothy. And as I lay my hand upon you, and prophesied these things about music, there's an impartation of charisma. Okay, there's a grace, gift, grace, to grow musically. That's all just we're gonna remember that tonight. It's gonna remember, I received an impartation from God, a guy I never saw before, there's a little weird, put his hand on my shoulder and was talking in a microphone, but there's a transaction going on between you and God, in the talking of the guy is the Holy Spirit word to you. And this is a word to you. You're gonna grow, and music and even worship and actually the delivery of sound. This is much bigger than I originally began to see it. There's, it's like the delivery of sound, sound experiences, musical experiences, things are going to land on people's ears and cause a reaction, cause something to happen. It's going to be part of what you're going to be doing. There's a very technical side of you, you're going to have a good brain. You really do you got a techie brain. technical things are easy for you almost frustrates other people you'd like us simple as done. I think you understand systems, you understand technical thing, I think you understand even a lot of computer ease, and things that just others baffles their mind and you go less simple. The God wired you that way. And he's going to use that talent, to deliver God to people through music mediums and others. So this is something you're going to grow in, you're going to be sharp, you're going to be schooled. You're going to be a mentor, even to others and you're going to be needed and you're going to be wanted, and there's going to be a time coming that people are going to actually pay you well for your knowledge and your ability. In what you do. So this is all how God made you Cana so that you can be a tool in God's hands. God is going to take great incomes gonna go to great means to take care of you. I'm just gonna say it now get ready, be careful. Don't say this off, I'm careful, I'm guarded when I could begin to sense this from the Lord, especially during a young age, God's gonna prosper you, you're gonna have a lot of money. Don't tell the rest of the people. You're gonna be able to handle wealth may not come tomorrow, but it's gonna come. And God's telling you now to prepare your heart. Because how you handle your heart is going to affect how you handle your wealth. And so God just kind of drop that in there so that you can begin to pray, Study, Learn. They'll talk to Dave Ramsey, whoever you talk to, you know, just get the stuff get built in now. So you got prophetic words like God, what does that mean? That means engage. And as you engage with God over some of these things, then God is gonna just take you on the path of development. And it's gonna be awesome. Huh, there's even going to be I don't know how big you want to get with God, but I just see international things are gonna happen out of all this. Even you know, we can use the G word now global, there's a global thing that you're going to touch. And I you speak a foreign language? A little bit, okay. I think God wants you to develop linguistically beyond English, just because you're going to be touching other languages. And hey, we got Google Translate. It's like, donate it. But see already that your brains like out? I have a program for that. But I have an app for that. But I think God wants you to be familiar with other languages enough so that you can touch other cultures. And who knows, maybe you just use an app? I do. I stayed a Russian couple's house one time didn't speak a lick of English. So in the morning, we took out our iPhones and sat there and just talk between Google translate back and forth. Like, you can do that. Maybe that's what God's saying, but you have to find that out. But there's a lot here. And a mom and dad here tonight. Any moms and dads, anybody want to claim her? Oh, my word. Forget, forget everything I said. Wow. Okay. I was gonna say well done, but their egos don't need that. They already know. Well done. Mama. Dad. Well done. Yes, good. Boy, you got a lot of work to do now. You can't get out of this at all. Too late. Awesome. Cana, you can go sit down. What's your name? Verity. Verity. I love all these. These names are awesome. This is the awesome name church. Verity. Praise God for Verity. Father. Thank you, Lord for Verity. Hmm, wow. I think you'd like kids. Your kids get along really well. They love you, as compared to babysit us. They want Verity, they want to be around Verity. So get around the kids very, because it's not just that you're to have a high tolerance for the little people. But there is a love for them. There is a simplicity that you can bring and make complex things simple. You have a generous, authentic enthusiasm. It just comes out of you. Naturally, God made you that way. And the word enthusiasm comes from enthusiasts, which means in God, it's a God thing and you you get enthused about certain things because God gets enthused about certain things. He is GOD and HE enthuses us he he imparts the US and by the Spirit of God, and there's a lot of prayer going to be going on in you about kids, you're going to begin to have burdens. That's a good Bible word. The burden of the Lord is a beautiful thing to work with God. Jesus said, Take my yoke upon you learn from me for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light. Now he does the heavy lifting. But he wants us to carry burdens for people. And there's some young kids that touch your heart. Some kids I want to say it this way carefully. They break your heart. There's some young kids are going through some stuff. fractiousness divorce, terrible situations and you're aware of them. And you have cried out to the Lord and he's heard your cry. And you gotta go to team up and do some magnificent things for young people and children. And you're going to find even at a young age, you're going to bring solutions and you're gonna bring answers and you're gonna bring healing to young children. I just think they need a cuddle sometimes. You just picking them up and holding him and praying. Almost like inside. Oh God just see holding the location. didn't just praying Oh, God, help them. Jesus, I just got hears those prayers, Verity, he hears them, he's engaged with those. And he will be engaged with answers that you cry out for on behalf of these children. Allow the little children Suffer the little children to come to me, Jesus said, first of such are the kingdom of heaven, there's a great kingdom dynamics, this is going to be at work in your life with children. I want to say, in the natural Well, it's easy to say in the natural world, and you'll outgrow it, it's okay, you'll outgrow it, when you get older, I'm sure I don't think you're going to outgrow it, it's going to outgrow you, it's going to become a big deal. And you're going to have to get involved with other people, you got to get involved even with organizations, and it's a big deal to God. And I just see God growing you, you're gonna become a woman of influence, a woman of passion, a woman with a cost to fight for. And here's the deal. Even the secular world and secular governments, they get a little sappy when it comes to kids, they don't have the answer. They fight other things the church does, but we're going for kids. there's money out there, there's grants, there's programs, and you're gonna have access to that, even at a young age, I think God's gonna just blow you away with how he begins to lead you on how to make a difference with children. I want to just say I'm step back a little bit and say, even here, I just see more kids coming in and out of this building, not on Sunday. But God's going to open something up during the week, an avenue of funnel, there's going to pull some sector of the society here that deals with children, this is going to be a place of refuge in healing. And it's not just the kids, but they're the door to the broken homes that they come out of. And this place is going to be a House of Refuge in a place of brokenness. And you're going to have a big hand in that very, because you're just you know what, you're just willing to do God, God's work. That's Kingdom advance. The desire and the delight, and just doing the will of God. And God just looks down and says, Hey, that's all I want from you. That heart that desires to do what I want, and I want you to minister to children. And you'll grow your become, you know, full adult, marriage family, you won't miss a beat, nothing is going to sidetrack you from this. God is going to be there and coach you and teach you all the way and you're going to be working with other people I just see. But there's going to be a leadership in you that is going to rise up. Because God's putting a vision in your heart even now at a young age. Carry the vision. Carry it in your heart. Know that God gave it to you. And that God will make it happen. Hmm, that's a big stuff out there that you can do. Amen. You're awesome. You play lacrosse or just like the wear of lacrosse stuff. You just like the shirt. Yeah. Good. I don't feel so intimidated. That good for you. bear witness that. I'm gonna Kleenex. That's always a good sign. All right, amen. Right here behind you. Hello again. Alright. Well, I did pray for you three years ago, right? Yeah, you want to repeat, refute anything that was said three years ago? Correct it I'll add to it. Lay man, Father, thank You, Lord for these pillars in the house. I love their story. I love their history. God, we just love how you use these two as champions, even in this area in this part of Ohio. But brother we know that you got a big heart goes way beyond the borders of the state of Ohio. And now there's there's nations inside of you still, there's things that you want to see affected by from this house. It's like Brother, you you. You're a one one kind of guy that continuously takes the limits that other people put on this house, you just have to take them off. Now there's another side of you likes to put good limits up and borders I should say we protect our borders. You're also a protector. Part of you wants to protect the house and protect it from the wrong kind of influences in the wrong things. But then there's also the other side is this but we need to go do this. So you just got a good balance going on inside of you, Bruce have the ability to hold and then the ability to release You've come into a place of what I want to call spiritual timing has become fluid in you, you're learning to flow in the timing of God, what what someone called the Kairos times of God, those appointed times, you're really learning to discern with the elders. This is a god time. You've helped learned this times in the seasons over over life, the two of you have learned that there's times and seasons to everything, and you've gone with the flow sometimes, and, and that's wisdom. You've imparted a lot of wisdom to people over the years, you need to know that God was in many of the conversations, you thought it was just the two of you. God was in those conversations where you just kind of worked with that one couple over and over and over, tiring, repetitive, but not giving up because you knew God eventually would bring the breakthrough. And God just wants to just say, You know what, I was there. And I was in you, and I'm still in you now. And I'm going to be, I'm going to begin to put some new people in your life. There are some new couples that huh, I want to say they're going to come out of the woodwork, I don't know where we get that word from sounds like bugs to me. But anyway, they're coming out of the woodwork in that. They're kind of like, I want to say it this way. They're kind of from another era, they're from another time even in your life. And God's gonna kind of bring them back into your life, I just kind of see a restoration of people coming not not all, but there's just a few key people that you deposited something precious in their lives before you made an impact before you had spiritual impact in life. And it's not going to go away, it's going to come back, there's going to be a harvest of what seeds you've sown, and other people. And there's just a few of those are going to come just to enlighten you. And to encourage you to say you know, it was worth it. That one couple as worth at all, just to see what God's done in them. There's gonna be some people will never get to see the effects, right, our ministry, but God says there's still some rewards coming your way, from things you've done in days past. Yeah. I just the word that comes to me is this word doorkeeper. You guys are the door keepers of the house, you guard what comes in your guard what goes out. And I'm not talking physically, I'm just since you you understand, there's certain things that come in the house, and you kind of give a nod of approval. And then the other brothers, let's be aware of this. I feel like some of it has to do with doctrine, somebody has to do with some crazy things that get out there, especially with the internet and social media. Now, I think you get your filters on their roof sometimes that we need to watch out for this. And some of it, it's like, well hate to say it, but you're old enough, you've seen it before. It's like, here we go. Again, we saw this in the 70s. We saw it in the 80s. So on these things cycle, but your wisdom is going to really help preserve the house and fortify it, this is going to be a safe place a strong place. And the two of you make it that way. Sister, there's a there's a kind of the surge of intercession that's going to come upon you and some some of your team, I don't know, if you have a team, but there's a I see an intercessory team, that's going to take on a few key projects, because you're going to be busting into society, you're going to be busting into some of the very places of brokenness in this in the city area. And it's going to take intercession on the on behalf of the church to push through. But even to the point where you're going to. It's like I think you're going to partner with some social work out there in the community. You're going to just have a heart to serve them and partner with them. And there's going to be some divine partnerships. There'll be resistance and that's we're just going to pray through and prayer. Literally, I see minds changing from one meeting to a second meeting. Like we had a meeting with them. They were a little resistant, they weren't really open, are gonna pray. It's kind of a secret weapon. And you're not just going to manipulate their minds. You're going to just pray the will of God but you're going to be so convinced that it's God's will that you just say we're just going to keep praying that God breaks through this the thing that you guys carry, what I would call boldness Now I don't mean loud, brash, arrogant, not that kind of bulldoze I'm talking to biblical boldness comes from certainty of God's character, certainty of what God's heart as you guys are mature enough that you have certainty of a certain things and that gives you boldness to pray. The early church, the baby church, Book of Acts, they they prayed for that to grant unto Your servants boldness, that we may continue to dispense the word out into regions beyond. So I just say that over the two of you rise up in your boldness and Father I pray the same prayer not only for these two but for this house grant to your servant boldness, even in times of crisis. I mean, the baby church went into immediate crisis, their leaders were thrown in jail and there's persecution. And they didn't, they didn't even flinch. Fact they went sovereign. We talked about sovereignty this morning. They said, Oh, Sovereign Lord, who made heaven and earth, and they just went sovereign. And then said, grant unto Your servants, boldness and don't forget what they added, stretch forth your hand to heal. In the Name of Your Holy Child, Jesus says, there's a stretching forth of the hands of this house. This will be a house where there's going to be healings, continuously healings, and it's going to I just want to say boldly that God wants you to develop a culture of healing here, not just an event, not just a healing service, that it's going to just become part of the culture of this house that we pray for the sick, we, if you probably pray, we become a praying community that calls on God to stretch for this hand to heal. We can't heal anything. But God's when he stretches forth his hand. And so that comes out of certainty that comes out of boldness. And that's going to be a mark on this house. Even for this region of Ohio, people will come from afar, people will come from afar, to get prayer, for healing, because they'll be desperate. And Father, we thank you, these two you'll stand as pillars to help hold up this part of the vision. And it's not the heavy lifting you to do with your spirit man. And you're strong. You both have a strong spiritual man inside of you. Paul called the hidden man of the heart. And it's it's it's strong, it's robust. It's full of faith because you fed it for years. And now God's gonna call it to task. Rise up and fight the good fight of faith. Amen. Amen. I'm on their team, just so you know, I'm on their team. I want I want to be on their side. Hey, Scott was there coming? We rearranged the furniture again, just I'm gonna just make this into a mini workshop as they're coming. So we've had a few prophetic words now. What are some of you hearing on the on the other side of these prophetic words? What are some of you hearing as we prophesied over some of the young people and over this couple? Just share if you got what do we call it this splash effect whenever anybody gets splashed? Yeah. But good children. Yeah, children. Got me some kids run around here. Healing. Y'all are gonna be busy. Because God says he was that culture of boldness. Yeah. That's speaking to us, isn't it? Yeah. That's good. Crank it up. Upper Room. Yeah. Good. All right. Keep listening. That's good. Keep listening for what God's saying to you. As we speak. I like this couple that were Yes. Yeah. Good for you. Amen. Yeah, what's, what's God saying to us? It's so good, Greg. I'm going to brag about Upper Room fellowship in Ohio. This is what they do. Shame on you all. I'm going to shame some churches into stewardship. Why not? Tell me your names again? Rob, Robin. And Elizabeth. All right. Or, or Liza? Okay, I caught that too. Well, I got to meet these guys last night. And I know they're just you are not only you, are you gifts to this house, you're part of the mechanism of this house. That's the word that just came. Your part of the mechanics of this house. There's systems and structures that are invisible to most people, but without them, we couldn't do what we do. And that's you guys are systems people, structural people, you help keep the machine going and flowing. And there's just wow. You just you just keep the vital things going and flowing. It's just like, like the, you know, the electricity and the plumbing in the house. We don't see the pipes and all that but it's just, they're there and they're in place and they're working. We're happy when they stopped working. We got problems we have to call an expert. And that's really also you guys are the experts. There's an expertise that God has allowed you to begin to share for the benefit of the house of God for the benefit of the kingdom, but also even for individuals. So there's a corporate side to the two of you, I know you love the house, you do things in the church. But you're also going to make disciples. There's a strong call to discipleship on the two of you. God wants you to really focus on that in the next next few years, to just carve out time just for a few. There's a few that you're going to choose. I kind of follow the pattern of Jesus. Get along with God, ask him say, God, give me names. I want names. I'm coming for some names God, and you get those names and you call them. You literally like GSA. Hey, what you follow me? Come with me? Tuesday morning, six o'clock? You're probably not an early riser. No, I'm sorry. 839 930, okay. 930, that's kind of like, okay, I'm just getting going. So you're gonna just set a time set a place, and it's like, be there be square, you know, you're gonna show up, you're gonna just some young men, rather, you're gonna pour into, and they're gonna like it, because there's some things about you that they they're intrigued about, you have just enough mystery in you that people want to get to know you. There's like something about that guy. Something mysterious, but I really would like to know what makes him tick, what how do you know what to do? And you're going to, you're going to draw some young men into a place of discipleship. And it's going to be very rewarding. It's going to be some of the greatest fruit that you've probably going to see in your ministry over the next five years. And God just teasing you with that. Because he wants you to be deliberate. Now I'm talking about maybe three people, I'm not talking about a class or anything, I'm talking about one on one Hangout, get in the car, I'm picking you up at nine, I have to go on the air, you need to come with me that type of thing and just be just be tough on them. You're a little bit of a teddy bear, but you need to be tough. Sometimes you need to roar a few times, some young guys and kind of get them out of their lethargy, and kind of push them. You got to make disciples, they don't make themselves gotta make them. God says you're gonna make them powerful. There's been anointing on it, bro. There's going to be, it's actually going to be fun. It's going to be there's going to release something creative in you. You're going to come up with a gizmo, some kind of a gizmo. I don't even have a language for it. I like it. The best I can do is say gizmo does that word, some kind of a gizmo that's going to incorporate their hunger and their desire to grow? And it's gonna be fun. Okay. It has to do with maybe it's connected maybe to an app or your cell phone or something. There's some kind of a gimmick gizmo thing that's going to be a hook. And they're going to like it and you won't believe what we're doing what you need me Rob, right. You should go rob goddess. They're gonna be like the buzzing around almost like Ha ha ha. We're in Rob's little circle and you're not just like this. This exclusive. You're going to build exclusivity into it. There's going to be other guys jealous. I'm going to say Hey, Rob, Can Can I nope. Six months. I'm gonna wait six months. Yep, no openings for six months. Shoot, okay. But in the meantime, and you're going to just like torment them and tease them into a great place of hunger. I get to be with Robin April. I can't wait for April. It's gonna be fun, bro. It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be exciting. It's gonna be stirring going to stir some young men and there's creativity. And there's there's even I don't know, crazy. You're crazy ideas, crazy rewards you're going to be you're going to trick them into some things with rewards. And you're good at that. You know, God's a rewarder right. God rewards those who diligently seek them. You're going to come up with some crazy inventive rewards for growth in Christ. Hey, I used to bribe my kids to memorize Scripture. I pay him. We pay him to cut the lawn Pam. Pam to memorize Scripture. It's worth it. That's for eternity. The grass withers and goes away but the word Lord endures forever so you're going to just come up with some great gimmicks This is fun. I'm having fun just hearing God just talk about this over you like God got some crazy ideas so in your wife sitting or just laughing one I can see it he's crazy. Yeah, you guys are great match good house. coming for you good house coming. The house you're in is not the permanent residence. There's another house coming. So God just says I got the house. And God says it's gonna be it's gonna be bigger than what you currently think is all we need. And you keep saying this is all we need? And God says no, that's not all you need. Because I'm sending people to you see, some of these things are gonna take place in your home and your gonna be doing some small group stuff and you're gonna be having some ministry, in your home system, you're you don't just have a house, you have a ministry center stuff goes on there, it's like wild. It's like a factory, sometimes it's like a, it's almost like a 24/7 operation. It's like there's your, your night I will too. I mean, both you guys get stuff more done at night, sometimes when some people do in an eight hour day. And there's just this ability to, to produce, if I can say it that way, there's there's high ability to get things done. And your home is going to be a place of ministry, it's going to be a place of activity, it's going to be a place where I see projects being done. In the late at night, you just throw on another pot of coffee and throw something else in the oven as I had come out, we're gonna have, we're gonna take a break and have some cotton that we're gonna get back into it and you're just kind of rah rah, rah, we're gonna do it. And Sister, you're really good. You're also a motivator. I set a word over. Kate and Chris, this morning, were you here this morning. I really think you need to listen to their work because God was exhorting them to delegate some things. And there's gonna be a trickle down of delegation throughout the house is going to start with them in some things, and it's going to reverberate down is going to hit you guys. And you're not to say, oh, no, not more to do, it's going to be more to delegate for you. There's also this delegation proclamation is going to trickle down through the different layers of leadership in the House. Because it's going to reach all the way down to the inactive members. It's going to activate people into ministry of helps activate people into servanthood get people functioning in places they never function before. And you guys are going to be good at you particularly sis are going to be recruiting people into functionality. Just Yep, yeah, get going. I mean, even tonight, don't lock the doors because don't run. She's going to be back there. In fact, EPA, this property is going to go right to the back with a clipboard. Yeah, see, so. But see, you have you have the site from God, you have the the ability to plan, but sometimes you run out of steam, and God says, I'm going to, I'm going to take care of that with delegation. You're just going to just start Okay, the Bible word is provoke one another to good work. So okay, provoke them. You now are the minister, Minister of provocation. We are Dania tonight, lay hands on you, she's gonna provoke you, in love, and really stir people up, stir them up to good work, stir him up, say give them vision, since you're really good at casting the vision, here's the here's the outcome. It's not just like, we need you to do this like, and if you do it, this is why and this is going to be the result. And so you're really good, your visionary. What does she have vision broke, doesn't she. And we can do this. And then we can put this over here, because then she can rearrange the furniture three times a day in her head, you know, and you're just yeah, in your head, but you'd like to do it and just say honey can just let's try that over here. And you're just like, I just moved that the other day. And so she's got full of vision ideas, how things are put together. And this is going to be a powerful combination here. So there's times you do your own things, there's times you're going to be doing stuff together, and I'm going to go back to the home. There's just some key times where you're gonna be having people in your home and it's gonna be a really powerful time of impartation training and discipleship. As I was speaking with him about discipleship, that's for you to there's just not a mess, not a mass of people, a few key select strategic people that God is going to put in your heart. And then you're going to just do the same thing. Follow me. Follow me around, I got some things I need done, and you can help me and you're just gonna encourage people like I can, yeah, you can, you can do this. And it's going to be fast. Hell, like fast tracks and disciples to have you're going to find creative shortcuts to move people into greater maturity faster. Wow. I like all that. Why not? Right? Why not? Sometimes it's slow cooker for some people, right? Some people you'll be able to nuke them in the microwave, but in the end, it's that long Christ development you're after. And the other thing I just want to say I commend you, Brother You got you've got patience. Let patients have is perfect work, right. And patients is there's no gift Darn, don't you wish lay hands on me claiming just profit patients there. I impart patients like wish it could but you can't. But patients has worked in you. And it's going to continue and that's going to be a powerful tool to tolerate some of the people that God's gonna put in your life. Okay. And I say that kindly. But hey, pastoral ministry, its most of it's just toleration, right? We have to tolerate. We don't get to. You don't get to choose who your pastor. They get to choose you. Well, you don't get to choose them. It's not fair. But anyway, Gods Gotta give you patience to endure. And that's actually the the root word of that behind that whole idea in James. James is just one book on how to endure, and you're going to endure well. And get through the battles and God's gonna reward you. You have children. Oh my goodness, this is all a setup. They're setting me up all night long. I was gonna say you got some good kids come along there Gemini, that only her? That's all you need. She's got she's full time. Parenting. Well, well done another. Just another well done. I mean, you can tell by what the Lord was talking to her about her heart. Boy, she's just she's kind of a good combination of the two of you. Well done. Amen. Good couple. Amen. Yes. Praise God. Hi, Michael. Come on down. Come on up. How you doing? I'm okay. All right. I know. Just close your eyes. Don't look at them all. They're just they're very intimidating. You know, it's like, I close my eyes and put my head down. Because it's, it's tough work up here. Amen. Father, thank You for Your servant. Thank you, Lord. You're a fighter. Now, I asked earlier, were you in the military? Were you in the military? No, you could have been, I just see a soldier in you, I see a fighter in you, I see a guardian, I see someone that wants to stand up for what's right. You're a protector. All these qualities grew in you, as a young man, there's a time you actually got picked on, there's a time you got bullied a little bit. And something rose up in you and said, I'm not going to allow that in other people. And I think you have a tender spot for people that are bullied. And that's been kind of a buzzword over the last number of years being aware of it. And I just think that you got a heart for ones that get trampled down and kind of just oppressed by either a group or another person. And you're going to you're going to help heal the oppressed some young men, you're gonna you're gonna also be able to get in and have an effect with this may sound strange kind of seeing you for a little season working with kinda preteens fifth and sixth grade kinda voice and doing some cool stuff for them. Have fun, not sit there doing some dried Bible lesson. You're going to have fun with them, teach them fundamentals, go make fires and shoot stuff and get up there and just get them so excited about being with Mike. Hey, we're gonna go be with Mike and we're doing some cool stuff. We're going to be outside in the snow. And you're gonna say next week, make sure you bring your jackets because we're gonna go outside for part of the class. But yeah, just like, you're gonna be bugging their parents to come. Why? Because Mike's our teacher this month is and you're going to do these little stints with some young men you're going to I don't know who's in charge of children's ministry. I met her the other night who's in charge? Okay, so sign him up. Liza, get his name on the clipboard and report to Monica. So in this may sound crazy, it's kind of like that. When I gave that one lady, I see you're working with children. But there's something about these fifth and sixth grade ish. So maybe it trickles down to fourth maybe bumps up to seventh grade. But right in there, this very volatile, tender shapeable age of young men, that even right now you're going back to your age, when you were that age, even right now you're sitting in a chair going and you're going back, and God's showing you some things that shaped you that touched you that affected you. And you're going to say I want to make a good impression. I want these kids to have good experiences. I want them to be able to know ahead of time. I want to warn them I want to see him protected. See all these things are in your like a like a guardian soldier. That's why I saw you like I want to fight for the right cause. And you're just going to see some incredible young men grow right before your eyes. Guess what you're going to grow to? It's going to do something new Mike. It's gonna just stir things of the Spirit in you. You're going to find your prayer life get invigorated, you're going to find ideas coming to you. You're going to find yourself checking out some YouTube videos and some exploring some ideas. What if I how do we make this as easy? You're crafty. You've got craft in your hands. You can make stuff fix stuff, break stuff, you can do it all. And you're gonna say, Hey guys, I saw this video on YouTube and we're gonna make this next week and just those little craft projects or kids are gonna get excited because, you know, we just have, we have such a, we have such a screen bunch of screen agers out there, they do life on the screens, not reality doesn't hit, you're going to take the stuff off the screen and put it in their hands. And so this is gonna be some fun days. glorious days, God is going to restore some things even in your heart. Somewhere along the line, you got heartbroken. God just says I'm the healer of hearts. I'm the one that heals the heart. And how that comes is not by hiding. It doesn't come from dislodging yourself from the body. It's the more you get into integrated into the body and stay connected, then the life of the body flows right into you. And what you're going to find working with some young men for seasons, the life of God is gonna come powerfully into your life. Heal you excite you, give you fresh vision, and take you into a new phase of a new Mike. I'm going to call it Mike 2.0 is coming soon. And it's all because you're going to give when you give of the mic that you have God's gonna build up the next level of mic that he has in mind. Amen. He's a good man. Amen. Hey, there, what's your name? Jared, nice to meet you. are looking for a few good men. We found two already on Mike. We got Jared. He's a good guys. Thank you for coming out on Saturday night. I would not want to get into a fight with this guy. I'd be on the ground looking up the ceiling in 30 seconds or less like Wow, just happened. You liked a little tough stuff. That's good. You're like, you don't mind wrestling. Fooling around you. You're kind of a little almost a little bit of a prankster you'd like to come up from guys from behind and scare them. Kind of just attack them. Put them in a bear hug good. vise lack of there. Oh, it's weird. But you just like that guy stuff. It's good. It's good. Yeah, there's a, we talked about spiritual warfare tonight. There's a fight in you. And it's a good kind of fight. But God says the real war is inside. The real war is going on inside of us. And you're learning how to battle your own wars. And that's good. Don't give up. First of all, we all have battles. But I said this morning, in in sovereignty, there is no war, but we have battles. But we're going to win. Because God is your Victor. And God is your champion. And God is your role model. You have some interesting role models. Not bad. I mean, we all have it's good to have some good heroes role models. That but don't forget the ultimate champion. The one that the one that wanted all Yeah, okay. But there's, there's some guys that are going to continue to influence you. And God just want you to keep your filters polished, okay. And clean. Filters are good, but they collect junk. So keep your filters clean, change them often. Because God is going to continue to bring input into your life. And there's some things you're gonna have to say no to, you're coming into just a season of a next level of discipline, you must be somewhat disciplined to look as good as you do. I mean, I used to look like that too, but 100 years ago, no, but there's a there's a discipline than you and you know, the rewards of physical discipline, but there's also some mental disciplines coming to you that are going to continue to pay off. And, and the other thing is, you belong with a team, you need to you need a band of brothers, and just fight for that fight for that band of brothers. In fact, when when that when that gets weak, you make it strong. Don't let others dictate the level of activity and how you how you work together. You need some guys on a regular basis. Even if it's just you know, go hunting, go do something go shoot something I don't know. Just go go break something. I mean, just go let's just go do something together and let's let's never forget to talk about the Lord a little. Just a little. I mean, I played golf all last summer because there's nothing else to do right during COVID The only thing he could do and you know we we just casually would talk about the Lord wasn't like, you know, praying on every hole. I should have prayed on every hole but I don't know. I know I've been I've been golfing a long time and prayer does not work on a golf course. Right Chuck just the heavens are brass over golf courses. Anyway, so I'll say you some guys man just hang with some guys because you're there's a leadership gift in here. This is rising, guys getting ready to bring it up. And all you got to do is just start leading some guys and make something happen. and get involved I said this, I guess this morning over Mark was at you about men. And God's God's gonna stir some things with men. There's some great some cool events happening. Okay? Lies of sign him up to sign up for the men stuff with Mark. So we're going to get this all done before tomorrow, gotta get all the ministries filled all the slots filled, we just keep recruiting, recruiting. But that's really the word of the Lord comes to church to help stir people and get them in place and helps put stones in the wall. And, brother, you're a vital part of this house. I don't know how long you've been coming here, but you're a vital part of the house. And you can't leave sorry, even in your mind is like, you know, maybe God says no more maybes, just just drop it for right now. Drop the idea that you should be somewhere else, or you're going to go somewhere else, there is a season you need to be here. And that's vital for your development is vital for some other men. It's not just for us for others. And so in that you're going to find that God is going to build something and you got married? Would you like to be married? Well, that's a tough question from the whole church. Just say I do. I now pronounce you. Well, Brother, I really feel like God's God's setting you up for that. And I think this next season of your life, this is why you need to be here, this next season of your development. And your involvement is preparing you for marriage. And that's a big word. It's a big event. It's the second most important event in your humaneness. Other than coming to know Christ, but it is glorious. It is the most amazing, you know, metaphor that God gives in Scripture, about our relationship to Christ as the church. And so all I can say is prepare. I'm right now, the whole body of Christ is a bride in preparation. And you need to really think about the metaphors and they're real. And God just didn't put them in there is a nice little picture. It's a reality that God wants to do in you. And, you know, you've got a few good excuses of why you should do this or not do this or do you have a little you've had 100 Put, you've built a nice little comfortable fence around yourself. And you put the do not enter, you know, almost like when we were boys and made the fort and says No girls allowed, you know, no girls, I'm not doing that. And God just says he's going to take down your fence that you put up so nice and neat. And like it looks good. And but you're you feel protected from some of the things you put around yourself. And God just says, you know, I want you to be vulnerable with God, first be vulnerable, let him shape you for this event. Because as part of your completeness, it is not good for man to be alone. We know all that. But there's something of completeness that is going to come into your life. And it's going to just take you to a whole new level. Amen. God's design. Amen. Good, man. Yeah, we got a few minutes. Oh, you set our clocks back again. Another whole hour now I'm yeah, let's just wait on the Lord for just a minute. Again. Let's take a minute quick feedback. How about anybody this did get a word tonight. Just maybe one thing, a nugget of feedback. All three of those young girls left they're just gone. It's like we're out of here. And oh, there that's yours. I got set up all night long. That's that's not even fair. Anything mom and dad anything? Good strategy. Big Brother's like my dad. Anything else? Anybody hear anything from the spirit about, you know, kind of like that splash over? Like, that's a revelation to me. It was for them, but I got a revelation. This is good to just. I owe that tired. Yes, that good. He has to remind us sometimes. He really does some of his best work there. This is and this is part of what you guys have a heart for. I know with the freedom ministries and you guys have built this into the DNA of your house. That's why people are going to want to come here. There's so much brokenness out there. And all COVID did was reveal it. It exacerbated it just got like, we didn't know how bad we were until we got all this stuff taken away. It's like we are in bad shape by humanity. Anybody else? Feedback. I'm just going to put the radar up for just a minute. Yeah, right. We're hearing thanks for the house. That's good. Young boys, men, kids for others, yes. Right. You've got so many talented people here, but the problem is they're so talented. You're gonna have to, like that's this whole thing about delegating. Keep giving away ministry that sounds ridiculous. Like, this is what we get paid to do, isn't it? Yeah, but you got to keep giving ministry away. So it pulls other people in God will send more people here honestly. But you got to make room for him. How many want the church to grow? Why we want it to grow because we want to reach more people. People are going to hell every day. So we got to have strategies, excuse me to do that and, and got to continue to open up ministry for people create ministry. I think I heard the word creativity came out over a few people. And God is a creator. First part of the Bible. Very first words in the beginning God created he's our Creator. I just could tell praying over some of these folks, a lot of creativity. It's great. Where are the young people were the other young people? Where are your friends? Where are they? Okay. I want to pray for some more young people tomorrow. I don't know what we have on the list tomorrow. But I just feel like so some of you get some of your younger young people part of the youth group. Who are the youth leaders? couldn't be here. Will they be here tomorrow? I definitely want to pray over there's something stirring about the youth. We'll see what God has. So we want to hit that tomorrow you had something sorry? occur. Yes, let me tell you real quick work with this network in the nation of Wales. Led by my good friend Julian Richards, I've known Julian and Sarah for over 30 years. They lead what's called new wine. The new wine movement is global. It started in England. So they started a new line England anyway, they lead new wine Wales. And they have been very creative and intentional about building a culture of healing in their churches, there's about 100 and 110 new wine churches that are affiliated with new wine. Now, what's interesting is there's all different denominations, there's Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican, there's all these different church, but they're all part of new wine, and they're all charismatic. So they have they have a strong ethos of the prophetic, but also with healing. So they've been very intentional in training, the churches in healing and outreach. But let me just say this, one of the things they've done and I we can talk more about that I think you're onto something here about it's going to be different. They do what they call healing cafes, where they set up like, I don't know, you could set it up actually in your lobby, or I don't know, I can't remember the rest of the building was like so they, they set up little tables with three or four seats only. They set them around. And they call it a healing cafe and they invite people in it's it's not intimidating. It's not like in front of the whole church. Come on up. We're gonna pray for you. It's healing cafe, they serve tea and coffee, and people come and they sit down. It's like half an appointment. And they just share with two people. How can we pray for you? Wow, I got my back. And so, okay, we're just going to pray and they just coach them. It's very intimate. Nobody else is listening. There's, and they just coach and they just know we're going to pray for you. And it's not. It's not just heals people. Now they train. So I think that it has to do, you know, you train people, you build the culture of healing, where it's like, this is what we do. On Friday nights, we have healing cafe. It's like this is part of our normal church life. It spills over into their Sunday mornings. Julian said, rarely does a Sunday go by that somebody doesn't get healed. And it's just done. It's not they don't have a big they don't have this big production. Usually it's like it's the service is over. And they just have teams around and people just walk over and get healed. And it's just like, it's part of their culture. And that that can happen, because I've seen it in their churches and I think you're onto something like it's just let God create what he wants to create. So there's an ease of inviting people in would it be easy to invite a friend It doesn't go to church say, but hey, Friday night, they have this healing cafe, what? It says little cafe, come and have a cup of coffee and then they pray for you. kind of trick them. Ask. And sorry, What's your wife's name? And Martin makes these amazing cookies and pumpkin bars. I mean, you got to bribe people. They'll come. I'm just saying Be creative. I like that. That's That's good. Find ways I don't have anything else I'm blank screen. Just learned to not force it. But we had some good stuff tonight. Yeah, God was speaking can feel it. So all clear. We got we got tomorrow too. And we got an extra hour. Don't set your watches back until tomorrow when I get up to preach. That's good. So if you got a prophetic word that will be that has been recorded. And Chris, those are going to be turned into a text, is that correct? So at some point, you will get that written text. Right. And there's tomorrow also, also, somebody here has made it possible for everybody to receive a book. All right, and they are going to pay for that. So if you would like, if you have not received an already, if you want to get a book, make sure you do that. And we'll keep record of that. And then a cheque will be made for those metal books and then awesome. So blessing to the one who makes this possible. That's awesome. So you have no excuse now. And what's cool about I get 50% of that. No, I don't. Yeah. So Father, we thank you for tonight, actually, this whole day, and even tomorrow, which has not happened yet. But father, I just pray by your Holy Spirit, you would water everything. And that which you says your word, it never returns void. So it shall accomplish what you set out by the watering of your spirit and our action upon that Father, for there's a stewardship there's a responsibly we have Father, thank You for the for that which is yet to come. Thank you. Here's a good you're good, good father. We thank you. Blessings upon us all as we go and Jesus name looking forward to tomorrow. Amen.